Virgin again?

If you stop having sex, does your vagina obtain back to as tight as it be when u were a virgin? If so, how long does it filch?

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the body is flexible so yes one can be 'tight' again, but one will not be a 'virgin' again..

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no you will never be a virgin again but some voice 7 years and then you can claim individual a virgin again.

Help, grl problem!?

If you stop having sex, later yes you will tighten back up somewhat. Not as tight as you be before have sex. It takes a long time to obtain there. It don't come up in a few months any.As far as being a virgin, once you loose that, it is gone for suitable, no getting it back.

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A tight vagina and a virgin (Hymen membrane) is really not equal thing at adjectives.
Once the Hymen is broken only a amazingly expensive surgical procedure would restore it, but you can do exercises that will help tighten the vagina.
There is also a vaginal cream that will "shrink" the vaginal circumference inside about five minutes or so. Go to vaginal shrinking cream on your favorite flush engine for more details.

Sometimes, I feel as if here is a little nouns pocket under my not here breast. I haven't had implant or anything

If you just want to be as tight as you be before you have sex jus go receive some china shink cream or instant virgin you can order them over the web or just step to any adult book store fitting luck

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