Why are my mouth a purpleish color. (No Silly Answers Plz)?

I dont smoke so that cant be the reason

I feel unexpected asking this but has anyone ever pooped white poop?

Lack Of Oxygen.
Cyanosis is a bluish discoloration of the skin or mucous membranes cause by lack of oxygen within the blood.
Skin coloration is determined by the amount of pigment in the skin and the blood flowing through it. Blood that is soaked with oxygen is bright red. Blood that have lost its oxygen is dark bluish-red. People who enjoy a large sum of blood deficient surrounded by oxygen tend to take on a bluish discoloration call cyanosis.

Lack of oxygen (such as in suffocation or cyanotic heart disease), anomalous hemoglobin (such as methemoglobinemia) and toxins (such as cyanide) can all produce cyanosis. Most cyanosis occur as a result of heart disease such as congestive heart failure, lung disease, or as a terminal event as in cardiopulmonary arrest.

Mild cyanosis is difficult to detect. There requirements to be more than 5 grams of deoxygenated hemoglobin in a person's bloodstream to see cyanosis. Usually the oxygen saturation of the blood have to drop below 90% before this occur.

Cyanosis is more obvious surrounded by the mucous membranes and nail bed, particularly for dark-skinned those. It can also appear on the feet, snout, and ears.

Many people obtain brief bluish-purplish painful color change in their fingers -- this is call Raynaud's Syndrome which results from spasm of blood vessels within the hands, habitually in response to the cold. Some empire with Raynaud's Syndrome also enjoy a collagen-vascular disease called scleroderma.

Annoying Female painsplease comfort!!?

Did you eat something colored funny? Or use a bright lip gloss/lipstick ? you could be allergic to something.

Missed period?

chek ur hemoglobin plane. in armour of blood counts going off put pen to paper, people are potential to have purplish chops.

How can i grow a fatter butt withot platic surgery in a short amount of time ??

Did you drink wine or grape liquid?

Are you getting enought oxygen to your appendages? Are your fingers and toes a bit blue too? If so, call your doctor without beating about the bush. I had a friend surrounded by elementary school who have circulation/lung problems and her lips, fingers and toes be blue.

Can some one tell me whats this?

Poor circulation.

What is the best and quickest approach to lose weight and tone muscle?

From Sunburn.
You can grasp sunburn on your lips and when you do they turn purple and sometimes puffy and dry. If it doesnt jump away in a week afterwards you should see a doctor. [use lots of chapstick that has SPF - if you dont want it to return with worse].

Help am i pregnet?

If you are dark-skinned, it could be just an extension of the raw skin tone.

If that's not the reason, you could own a health problem that reduce the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream. In that bag, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Please help me i hold a.?

How are you feeling, how outdated, how long has this be going on, are you cold, what race? Maybe low oxygen. Maybe chapped mouth. Maybe leftover color from lipstick you wear. Good luck!

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Do you lick or bite your lips alot because that can be paid your lips murky.

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