Ok i need ur sustain to convince my mom!?

In DECEMBER on X-mas my mom gave me a duet of earings and said i could get my first earpiecings. (YAY!) i told my cousins who are 16 and 17 and they said over April Vacation when you come look in us (they live in Virginia) receive ur ear pieced at this great place we have. my mom hear and said that would be great. i told her i wanted it done sooner and she promised (im pretty sure she promised) i would gain them dont over April Vacation. Then my Aunt (mother of the cousins) talks to my mom and say SHE DOESN"T like the peicing place. Now my mom say 'no peicing pagota'.
I am not allowed to bring them at claires, either.

ok in a minute for my real problem. My mom requests my doctor to pierce my ears with a hot syringe, while i want a gun. She says its sturdy to clean the guns so im bound for infection if i use the guns. but could she be thinking of the guns in her days? can u guys pass my some advice to what to share my mom? I DONT WANT A HOT NEEDLE POKING A HOLE IN ME!

im sorry this is so long! :):):)

Help girls only!!?

Try have your mom take you to a piercing place and see if they will show her how the gun works and what they do to put together it safe and verbs. Even if your mom wants your ears pierced by the doctor your doc can't do it if you do not want it. Your doctor may not even be inclined to pierce your ears and may be able to convince your mom that piercing guns are sanitary.

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Your doctor is not going to use a hot syringe to pierce your ears. LoL

IF your doctor does them at all, he'll use primarily the same technique.

I'm guessing your mom is worried nearly the cleanliness of the needle at places resembling the Piercing Pagoda or Claires. After all, it's usually teens who are working in attendance doing the piercing. While I understand if that's a concern of hers, it really shouldn't be a problem as long as you monitor them sterilize the needle and be paid sure they clean your ear lobe next to alcohol before piercing it. Actually, I don't regard as they even use a needle. They usually pierce your ear near the actual post of the earring that will be going in the ear.

I had mine done at a similar place and that be over 20 years ago.

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The gun isn't discouraging at all. I used it to pierce my ear adjectives 4 times. Just tell her you're older enough to steal care of your ear... At claire's they grant you a bottle of like alchol to verbs your ear 2 times a day to save it from becoming infected.

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just communicate her that you read on the internet that it will b much easier to get them done beside a gun go to walmart they do them

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