Do I have to discharge for contraception?

I want to go on the 12 week contraceptive injection, but I don't know if I will own to pay for it. I'm not a student, but I live surrounded by Wales and my prescriptions are free until I'm 21. Will I have to money for it even after I'm 21, and how much will it cost me? Thanks. x

What's an OBGYN?

Contraception is free in the United Kingdom. At present you are exempt from adjectives prescription charges until you are 25 providing you are resident in Wales. However from April 1st 2007 the Welsh Assembly Government have abolish all prescription charges for Welsh residents. So even when you achieve 25 you will not have to retribution for any prescription item whatever it is.

What is HPV,and how do you take it?What are the cause of it?

Contraception is other free in the UK.

The injection will be given to you at the doctors surgery, any by a doctor or the nurse.

I get these blood and puss jam-packed blisters on outside of my vagina. what could it be? iam a virgin.?

Not in the UK you dont...

Im confused?

Contraception is ALWAYS free in the UK regardless of age.

I ahve a couple questions?

not 100% [which isn't that greater oblige for you! lol] but i know that in England the Pill is free aswell as the injection and bud [i have friends who use these forms!] it's more than plausible that it is. ask your GP for more info!

What is my problem?

All contraception is free on the health service - speak to your GP or local Family planning clinics. Don't forget you can get free condoms from the NHS too.

Question for woman?

Abstinence is other free. Bypass those shots. And trust me, those shots are bad unpromising bad report. Lots of latent condition effects.

I am 39 and would like to know what are the signs of menopause and if it will affect your cycle surrounded by any way?

As far as I'm aware, if you win a prescription for it from your GP, then adjectives contraception is free ...... the morning-after pill certainly is so I don't see why other forms of contraception wouldn't be

How long does it appropriate to recoop from breast aumentation? My wife wants to know.?

you do not hold to pay for contraceptive pills within the uk.

Ideas for losing belly fat?

Wow, as an American , this is amazing to me.
What a great impression!

One for the UK !

Pubic hair?

its free within the uk

Menstrual periods after c-section?

no you dont earnings for them

Any opinions on Doctors contained by Crystal River, FL?

You dont have to if you run to a family planning clinic however i dont know if they enjoy an age limit on their services.

Pre menopause?

Contraception is free surrounded by the UK ..

Period problem. Am i going to get it or what?

No situation how old you are, comtrcaeption is free contained by the UK

If i take the pill everyday how impressive is it after being taken, how long does it stay surrounded by my bloodstream?

contraception is free if u are in the UK

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