Anal sex...serious answers one and only?
Answers: The red bump could be an aggravated hemorrhoid that is making its presence known presently that it was roughly stimulated. If it is in in recent times a single spot, and is like a little lump that is to say what I'd think it would be, especially since you said it bled a bit. It's also pretty normal to be a bit sore, but extremely sore isn't. You might want to try Preparation H or some other soothing hemorrhoid cream/ointment on it.
There is the providence you've also tore a little bit, which will bleed a bit and then step away also.
Also after anal sex it your bottom can feel pretty weird for a while, not as a rule painful but strange. If you try anal sex again use LOTS of lube and go slow, if it hurts transmit him to stop. Don't grit your teeth and bear it since you can really end up injured. Next time purloin a lot of time to allow yourself to get used to it as he tries to catch in, and lots of lube, and be as aroused as possible, did i mention lots of lube? It's fully possible to really enjoy anal sex and enjoy orgasms from it, so if it is something you are interested in just run it slow, get used to it, and if he tries to hurry you put the brakes on and say you involve the time.
I am confused in the order of me...?
blood may be becuase of a little tear. and that bump may be a hemrriod. it will move about away on its own. sometimes they itch and hurt and sometimes they don't. you a re very brave person. every time me and my ex tried it hurt to desperate, he could only get the guide in and i wouldnt let him travel any further/it's fine it;s probably just a little cut around the edgebut it'll be okay. the bleeding is 100% ordinary. everytime you try it the more it'll get used to it and stop getting so hurt everytime!~good luck=]
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