Does anybody agree with me that tampons are better than pad?

They are actually more comfortabel within my personal opinion.

Cause of an oddly short period?

tampons are much better than pad... pads get the impression like diapers and you own to worry give or take a few it leaking through, if someone can see it, what u can and can't wear near it and, feeling the blood on your vagina ...eewww gross

I'm 15 and I haven't started my term yet!?

I used to estimate that tampons were more comfortable for a time until I next discovered that they were certainly more uncomfortable for me than pad.

I had to stop using tampons due to medical reason unrelated to the tampon itself.

I'm pretty sure I have a sexual dysfunction?

hmmmm ....very well if you must ask.......I guess a plug is better than a pan......but ugnnnnaagggghhh! of adjectives the questions to ask!

PLEASE HELP! im getting worried?

i agree near you completely!!

Do you ever feel out of it, for months at a time?

no i perceive that pads are more comfortable than tampons because you can notify just how much blood and other things.

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