What is wrong near MY sex drive?

Im 17 and I've been next to my boyfriend for around a year.
so I should have a glorious sex drive, right?
well- I don't. and I feel approaching something is wrong with me
How do I fix it, or what things can I/ we do to add to it?...what could be causing it?
I hold been depressed and enjoy also been sexually abused formerly...I also have a thyroid problem, but adjectives of these things were within when I DID have a large sex drive. so whats going on?
(I realize that many relatives think this is morally wrong and I intensely much respect your opinion but please do not speech me)

Is this normal?

Your diet could be the source, or if you're not getting plenty excersize... excersize can really help push your libido. But, how normally are you having sex? Possibly if you aren't have sex as often, it can quieten down of a thrill... So get wager on into it, and you may find that you'll desire it more.
Also, if your on any medications, those may impact your sex drive.

This is fairly a personal question and with the sole purpose genuine answers plz. i enjoy discovered 2 pea sized lumps?

your sex drive changes adjectives the time. it depends on tons of things, like your stress level, your overall mental health (and yeah, if you're outlook depressed, it really affects your sex drive).

also, eating vigorous food and getting lots of exercise helps boost your drive! this mode, not only does it label you feel BETTER, it make you feel SEXIER!

it also could be that you're newly bored with the "routine." try spicing things up, trying latest things. You really need to enjoy good self-confidence to enjoy a good sex time. thats the number one thing.

a different thing, you dont really necessitate to be focusing on your sex life so much at 17. you should be more concerned next to having a correct, relaxed time! your teenage years are almost over, so dont be stressing over stuff you can estimate about for the rest of your go!

I really really need an answer?

I have an idea that that you need medical attention...because the opinion here is only this, but a professional teat you whit experience within the problem...you need alright beside you only, and next you & you're boyfriend be alright...but i tell you again...necessitate psycologist help...
Take attention to detail!

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