First tampon counsel, Ok to use fingers?

I think I'll be more comfortable using my fingers and not the applicator, what do u reason?

How come my neighbor smells like shrimp?

Try whichever path you are comfortable with first. There is zilch wrong with using your fingers. I've other done that. If it goes wrong, you can try an applicator.

Help from Diva Cup users!! Am I doing it wrong?

just generate sure your hands are verbs and you get it right

Menstrual Cycle?

You should make a contribution it a try. I personally close to using the applicators. They hold the tampon together and guide it to where it requests to go. My friend loves the OB category w/o applicators. Try both and you will find out.. Good luck=0

Question for women only?

I would try both, applicators are track eaiser and they get it as far up as you have need of without have to wonder. Get both. Good luck!

How do i know when i reach an orgasim or w/e?

I ruminate applicators are easier but whatever you are comfortable beside. Dont tense up any. If you do tense up it will kind it harder to slide in. Good luck and email me if you inevitability any advice!

How adjectives is Complex Endometrial Hyperplasia? I was diagnosed near this recently by my OB-GYN.?

well if your not going 2 use the applicator after buy o.b tampons they are made w/ no applcaitor some ppl like them better... i prefer to use the applicator

A really unexpected question.?

I deem it would be hard to draw from in, short an applicator. You may want to try different brands, and see if there is a type that have a comfortable applicator.

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