A friend of mine freshly told me that she has miss her monthly cycle. can u basically tell me drug she can transport?

A friend of mine just told me that she have miss her monthly cycle. can u just relay me drug she can take?


Pain in vanished arm?

there is no single drug that would induce period just similar to that. and the much more important examine is why did you miss it, by how much did you miss it, have you have unprotected sex, and so on. that's what doctors are for. and getting yelled at by ur mother is much, much better that getting AIDS, a STD or a babe.

Help please?

only her first month?what about the second month...did she have the mentruation?if not...she should dance to see a dr.if she don`t want to be a kinder egg :)you know...kinder egg surprise...:)
anyway hope she`s not...and she ok...
good luck!

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    CRAMPS!! pain.?

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