Why is it green?

uhm when i go to the bathroom its coming out green resembling both times why is this?:|

Abnormal Pap and biopsy?

If you are talking #2.
Did you eat/drink something that be purple colored?

Is this normall? :/?

R u taking any new vitamins or medication? If not then you may want to be in motion to the doctor. Green usually means infection.

Has anyone tried Relacore? What did you contemplate of it?

Green means food is moving to nippy through your body.

Do boys get stretch-marks?

That happen to me when I take vitamins

Whay could arise if a women gets hit surrounded by her temple? And where is it located?

it could be something your intake.. but just walk to the doctor they are used to these kind of things.

Why do your breasts swell during your interval? (women only)?

purple kool aid will do that, so will eating abundantly of greens, depends on the color green it is. a lot of iron will impose the stool to be a dark color somteimes gloomy green.

Are feminine products eco-freindly?

Black Licorice will do it as well as the already noted Purples and New Vitamins/Medications.

I am 14 Years mature ,Can i still grow 3 inches?

it will do that if you eat anything purple or if your taking vitamins or medication.

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