HELP! Period Problems?

Ok. This just happen a month ago. My period is every light of day for a straight four weeks (a month) and a little thicker than usual. What does this suggest, and am I in serious trouble? Also, extent thinning whatever doesn't work. AND, the dull pain is unbearable. It's similar to someone kicked me in the abs next to a stel-toe boot every hour. HELP!!

Ladies which do you prefer pads OR tampons? cuz so various people hold different opinions?

This could be an underlying sign of bug like ovarian cysts, it happen to me once when I was 12, but it wasn't cysts or anything impossible, so don't freak out.

Go see a doctor asap, because losing so much blood can be very discouraging for you. You will probably have to stir on the pill to stop it, that's what I had to do (a little embarrasing because i be only 12 lol, but it worked.) Go to a hospital or dr soon as you can.

Feel better!

Has anyone have a BAD experience as an egg donor?

you should see a doctor

Why is my period blood brown?


HELP! my husband comes spinal column from Iraq period lately started how can i stop it?



Cramping and bleeding? What's wrong?

How old are you? What is your diet close to when you mensturate? Instead of buying over-the-counter drugs, go see a doctor. They would do a couple of test. I used to bleed six months straight.. till i finally decided to move about see a doc. Stupid i know... so believe me... OTCs do not work very capably, every individual's body is different.

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And you enjoy not gotten yourself to a doctor ? Most localities have free vigour department services, even if you do not have insurance if you check around you can take help! Please also enjoy you blood checked to see if you are now anemic. Losing that much blood over a month will lower your capacity to stay resistant to any type of problem even if there is nil else wrong.
The unkinown is always startling. Take a deep breath... bring back your local phone book... if you can not find the right place call a couple local doctors and ask the personality that answers the phone to advise you. (my doctor take a limited number of free or decrease payment patients every year)

My tailbone is bloodshed me don't know why.?

If you are having unprotected sex, you could be have a miscarriage. You could also have something call Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding. You must see your doctor or go to an ER asap!! These are serious problems. You should not be bleeding close to this and with the cramps, you can be have a miscarriage, ovarian cyst, or DUB. With a miscarriage, you may need iron pills and a D and C to be cleaned out and near DUB, you need iron and hormone pills (sometimes they also make available you birth control to regulate your period). You maybe have problems ovulating which can cause bleeding too much close to I had which also comes from the DUB.

Time of the month interview? Is this normal?

I deduce the best thing is progress see a doctor They can help you and save you safe and stout

Any ideas?

Have your thyroid and iron level checked, you may be anemic, I was, until I be diagnosed with hypothyroidism, since I've be taking iron supplements and thyroid pills , I have much lighter period and less abdominal cramping. Also, stay away from dairy products until that time your cycles.

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