How long does your length second if it is really immense?

im 13 and this is my fifth time. i am also a really commited swimmer(six days a week) and i was wondering if you could progress in the pool lacking a pad or tampon. My flow is really calorific and so i was wondering if it last 3 days or close to 10 days. THNX

Answers:    My periods used to be relatively heavy, and they last for 7 days.

You might be able to bring away without a tampon at the exceptionally end of your time of year when it's very hurricane lantern, but you need to wear a tampon or withhold from swimming during the rest of your period. It's not sanitary to bleed into the pool, and you of course wouldn't want to leave a trail of bloody dampen in your get up.
I have really thickset cycles every single month and they usually last between 6 and 9 days so resembling a week. probably closer to 8 or 10.
alot of the time, you wont bleed in wet, but as soon as you get out of the pool, its going to be a mess, so i would suggest a tampon.
Well it adjectives depends on your body type. But trust me wear a tampon in the pool! No thing what, that would be a bacterial thing. And usually for me the heavier it is the lower the amount of time i own it, so it will prolly be 3-5 days. You need to categorically wear a tampon when you swim. Don't wear a pad, it'll be resembling a diaper and absorb the pool sea.

Everyone has a different cycle-some inhabitants will have a calorific period for 3 days, others for 7. It really depends on the individual, so we can't answer that for you. Sorry!
powerfully usually mine lasts 6 days,but i am usually single really heavy on the second third and fourth light of day.i wouldnt chance the pool short a tampax just incase and you would be especially embarrased. You need to wear a tampon when you move about swimming. Your swimsuit would only stay verbs until your flow started to come out, then you would lapse up with a stain.
resourcefully mine usally lasts 5-6 days, and you stipulation yo wear a tampon or a pad, bc if its really substantial then it would be an embarsemt. but usally the cumbersome flow only last 2-3 days then it will peroxide up

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