
I recently get my period, and I am 14 years, my sisters told me that I am not going to find any taller, and all my family is drastically tall, any ways of getting taller?

I normaly get up up at 6:30am.Recently I have be waking at 4;30am.Why would this occur to me??

You won't stop growing until you are in your late teens-early twenties. Don't listen to your sister.

Breast leakige and iregular piriods?

The average girl stops growing around two years after her period begin.

I'm 10 months late! Not Pregnant, Just extremely belatedly! What is seriously wrong with me? HELP!?

most girls stop growing around 2 years after their interval, i'm still growing a year after mine :)

Is there any product that will tighten the vagina?

Don't verbs you'll still keep growing. I grew 6 inches between the time i first get my period and the time i stopped growing.


im sure you will growing taller than you are very soon..stop focusing on stuff that doent matter..we are different...what a boring world if we adjectives looked the same...focus on enjoy your youth..

What happens if.?

You will preserve growing for minimum 2 years from now. Try flaccid from single bar, cycling, swimming and skipping. Eat robust diet with protein and vitamins, do physical exercise day after day and follow a strict routine. Good luck!

Why would my nipples be so tender?

It happens to some family and to some people it doesn't.
There is pretty much no ways of getting taller, unless you guzzle alot of vegetables, but maybe you'll receive taller by inheriting one of your family member, since their tall.

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