Safe sex beside the bc patch?

it has be exactly a week since i've started using the birth control patch, & i had sex today in need a condom. (& no, my partner does not have stds) the doctor told me up to that time that it was okay after a week. but i basically want to be sure. is it okay?

I had sex once after the first time and it still hurt and bled?

progress for it!
good luck
(remember that if the doctor ever puts you on antibiotics for anything...remember the condom!)

Birth Control Pills?

you will know in one month

What is disharge similar to at the end of your cycle? Women Only?

the put somebody through the mill is was it worth it did he please you plenty to have a kid? lead to if ur pregnant that guys ofut o fhtere

I'm 17 and my breasts hurt all the time?

i would of still used a condom only just to be doudle dam sure

I own vaginal bleeding caused by raise red patches contained by the vagina. My doctor doesn't know what this is.?

if you watch him put it on or if you put it on next your safe...

ALERT POST !! : NEEDS HELP FAST or this girls getting pregnant?

A lot would depend on when you typically are fertile. If you have ovulated already - you may own trouble. If you had not - next you are probably safe.

Overthe final few days, my legs, arms, ankes and stomach have become really swollen.?

if you own to worry in the region of it, is it OK?

What time do periods come?

I wouldn't own taken a chance, but it's too overdue now. If you're really worried, phone the doctor and ask about the morning after pill.

Uterine fibroids?

NO it is not okay.
The bible say Thall shall not commit ADULTERY.
You think breaking the regulation is bad. What your doing is breaking the tenet of GOD.

Sagging breasts on a teenage girl- everyday?

I heard within the news that at hand were copious bad side effects associated near the Bith Control Patch.

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