I havent had sexually inetercousre in 7 months and this month my cycle didnt come wat could be the reason why?

i started by menstration 3yrs ago. ( if that has anything to do near it)

I havent been sense well lately.?

Stress, disorder, travel across time zones and other factor can delay your ovulation. Since the post-ovulatory phase of your cycle uncommonly varies, delayed ovulation finances a delayed period. If you know you're not pregnant, you probably don't want to worry around it yet. Likely it will come soon.

Diabetes interview - weight loss?

your pregnant...please dont seize an abortion..the child has a right to live

I missed my period>its 6 days slow. BUT?

There can be many problems cause this. Go to your OBGYN and let them know. Cysts are adjectives reasons.

Antibotics and Birth Control Effectiveness - Need Good Answers?

if no sexual intercouse-> no sperm-> no pregnancy

plain and simple

if and when you do ever enjoy sex again.. use birth control AND a condom
you do not sound develop enough to even find a road of of a paper pack.. let alone make higher a baby

Please give support to? 10 points to a best answer!?

Sometimes your period doesn't come if you are stressed, or if you hold been crash dieting. Also, you with the sole purpose began menstruation three years ago, and sometimes it take a long time for your periods to become regular. In few and far between cases, women can still have period when pregnant, so you should probably take a pregnancy try-out just to rule out that possibility. In adjectives likelihood this will be unenthusiastic. I would suggest you visit your doctor if you are worried.

What make period bloody?

You could be stressed out from something.think complex and you will probably come up with something. Something approaching moving to a different location, studying for a tough test, etc. It could a short time ago be that your ovulation has be delayed because of stress. It could be a few days to a few weeks or more before your cycle comes vertebrae (if it is due to stress).

Also, if you've changed your diet and exercise like crazy you could stop have a period completely. I've hear of women not having period for years. It probably takes some time for something close to that to happen to a woman.

could this play a role?

be honest to yourself are you sure you did not achieve laid last month? if you say aloud you did not see a doctor right -away

Is it normal?

It could be a revision in your diet or freight, stress, or a blood disease. Most likely you will catch it soon.

How long does it take for the hackle to grow back?

Wow you a moment ago started three years ago and already having intercoure do you know how perilous that is!! You could be pregnant because some relations have their term the first few months that they're pregnant. And please next time you suppose of doing more adult things loaf until your an adult!

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