I bleed constantly, and the DR. cant relief!! Can you?

For the past several years, I hold been bleeding (like a period) non-stop. Occasionally it would stop for a few days, but after it would start right back up again. The puzzling article is that I NEVER have ANY misery, any cramps, or any discomfort what-so-ever!! I have be to more doctors than I can count on both hands and they are stumped! I hold been told so copious things I cant even remember them all!!
Please sustain! I'll take any warning!

Does the iud stop working while youre on antibiotics?

Try taking IRON, VITAMIN C and BLUE COHASH... NOT black cohash. They are 2 very different herb. That is what I did. I began getting period every 2 weeks that lasted 10 days or more shortly after starting point a new class of birth control pill. Even after I stopped, the bleeding didn't. I went to the doctor. I be tested for every cancer and STD known to man. All my test came posterior normal. They couldn't supply me a definite answer excluding that is be "probably hormone related." But these helped me. Now, I'm fund to normal, and own been for 4 years. I even have a baby after that beside no problems.

Most of what I've found on the web suggests that constant bleeding approaching that is any hormone related, usually having to do next to menopause, or cancer/polyp related.

Here is some information from various websites in the order of different possible causes you may find interesting:

Click here:




Is it true that have regular menstrual period does not necessarily imply you ovulate?

Go to a specialist, it might be something else

Could this be dangerous? Should I try it?

u enjoy a herrnea ask a doctor or nurse for help right now

Does weight have anything to do with the rank?

have u tried going on the pill to regulate your hormones?


You need to communicate one of those many doctors to transport you to a specialist. Thats ridiculous!

Can a female procure breast cancer from getting her breasts sucked?

go and see a specialist doctor in women health,and if the prob still persist, try traditional chinese medicine physician(but sometimes they may prescribe horrible tablets and they may not realli be trustable)

Is it safe to hold sex while you are pregnant?

You haven't been to ample doctors. The ones you have be to obviously don't know anything. Go to a appropriate doctor who actually remembers what he learn in the seven years he spent at university. Or bring back a referral to a specialist.

What is the age a girl should start seeing a GYN.?

Homeopathic Remedies for Menustrational Complaints :-

Dark, clotted; copious or scanty menses, during afternoon time only; 1st menses delayed and aching; intermittent and irregular; changing moods; like open nouns Pulsatilla 30 or 200, 4 hourly

Early and profuse; copious; during night on lying down; frequently; intermittent; sore Kreosote 30 or 200, 3 hourly (3)

Menses dark; acrid, excoriating,during hours of darkness only, after lying down Bovista 30 or 200, 4 hourly

Copious and shadowy; worse after injury Hamamellis 30, 3 hourly (3)

Dark, clotted, painful and frequent, due to displaced uterus; during dark only Trillium p.Q or 6X, 3 hourly

Copious; gushing and frequent; worse after exertion; every 2 weeks or every few days;permanent for a week or more Medorrhinum 200 or 1M monthly (3)

Copious, offensive, clotted and itchy,due to uterine fibroid; difficult to wash Platina 200 or 1M, 3 hourly (3)

Menses bright red, copious, clotted, hurting and frequent; worse during menopause; walking ameliorates; history of abortion Sabina 30 or 200 6 hourly

Menses bright red, mingled with dismal clots; offensive Belladonna 30, 4 hourly

Mense bright red; gushing; nausea or vomiting, verbs tongue Ipecac 30, 4 hourly

Menses bright red; copious and frequent Millefolium Q or 30 4 hourly

Menses bright red; vicarious; patient desires icy cold wet Phosphorus 30 or 200, 4 hourly(3)

Menses acrid; excoriating;copious after miscarriage; frequent; intermittent China 6 or 30, 4 hourly

Menses copious; continues upto next spell; dark and clotted; irregular Secale Cor 30 4 hourly

Menses profuse and hasty; copious with unlit clots and abdominal distention Nux vomica 30 or 200, 6 hourly

Early and excessive; bright red, long lasting next to headache; copious; worse after exertion; early within young girls permanent for long; late within adults Calc-phos 12X or 30, 3 hourly (3)

Copious; lasting a week or more,frequent, every 2 weeks; intermittent Sulphur 200 or 1M, 4 hourly (3)

Amenorrhoea; see clotted blood; copious, frequent, delayed; first menses delayed; exhausting; pale, emaciated blood Ferrum met.3X or 6X, 4 hourly

Irregular; painful, delayed or frequent; worse after exertion Sepia 30 or 200, 3 hourly (3)

Early; profuse and frequent; every 2 weeks; during lactation; durable a week or more; returns after excitement; suppressed after working in water or becoming raining Calcarea carb.200 or 1M, 3 hourly (3)

Menses copious, frequent,dark, intermittent and irregular; during year time only; filthy, painful and gummy Lilium tig.30 or 200, 4 hourly (3)

Menstrual flow suppressed after fright or shock; in plethoric immature girls; menses profuse with muzzle bleed; late; explicit fear and restlessness Aconite 30 or 200, 3 hourly

Menses frequent and copious; unacceptable; passive bleeding Helonias Q or 6, 4 hourly

All complaints better during menstruation; copious or too little; painful for hugely short period merely; dark, lumpy and black Lachesis 200 or 1M 3 hourly (3)

Copious; worse after injury or coition; bruised pains Arnica 200 or 1M 3 hourly (3)

Menses copious; behind time or suppressed; worse while sitting; feels better after flow starts Zincum met.30 or 200, 3 hourly(3)

Dark, clotted, stringy, filthy, painful and frequent; worse from smallest movements Crocus sat.Q or 6X, 4 hourly

Delayed; specially first menses; irregular,sensitive,pale and miserable; stools constipated Graphites 30 or 200 3 hourly(3)

Delayed and painful; flow aggravates the complaints; neuralgic, rheumatic spasm;scanty or suppressed due to emotion or fever Actaea see.30 or 200 4 hourly (3)

Delayed, scanty,stopped due to cold; putting hand in cold marine, due to cold; breast becomes enlarged, sore and tender during menstrual cycle Conium mac.200 or 1M 3 hourly (3)

Delayed or stopped; by putting hands contained by cold water; suppressed after drinking milk Lac-def.200 3 hourly (3)

Early or delayed; exhausting,paltry or profuse; stools hard and constipated; haemorrhage between period Thlaspi b-p.Q or 6 4 hourly

Copious; alternate periods more profuse; frequent and tight;very slight (1st sunshine only), 2nd day near vomiting; mentrual colic with big clots Cyclamen 30 4 hourly

Painful and scanty;increases while sitting and smaller quantity while walking Alumina 30 or 0/5 4 hourly

Menses with neuralgic discomfort; dysmenorrhoea with pains flying to other parts of the body Caulophyllum 30 or 200 4 hourly (3)

Early, misty and stringy with neuralgic backache; better after flow starts; menstrual colic; membranous dysmenorrhoea Magnesia phos.12X or 30 3 hourly

menses lasts for long; tacky and dark; irregular Nux mosch.200 3 hourly (3)

Early and profuse; menses returns after over exertion; long waddle, passing thorny stools etc; discharge of blood between periods Ambra gr.200 3 hourly (3)

Painful; lone for one day or one hour; in arrears and scanty; amenorrhoea near opthalmia Euphrasia 30 or 200 4 hourly

Menses appear only for soon; scanty, agony in small of final and stomach during menstruation Baryta carb.200 4 hourly (3)

Clotted,stringy, passive and bright red; profuse after miscarriage; worse after slightest provocation Ustilago Q or 6 4 hourly

Early and profuse; suppressed after bathing in river or swimming pool; tongue closely whitish coated Antim-crud.200 4 hourly (3)

Suppressed with colic; better bending double and by pressure Colocynth 200 3 hourly (3)

Acrid,impulsive, profuse and prolonged; suppressed after getting feet showery Rhus tox.200 or 1M 3 hourly (3)

Early and profuse; epistaxis instead of menses; worse by motion Bryonia 30 or 200 4 hourly

Totally exhausted during menstruation, can hardly speak; persistent for long, though not profuse Carbo an.200 3 hourly(3)

Menses early or in arrears; scanty or profuse; throbbing with soreness roughly genitals; pain from pay for passes down through moved out labium Kali carb.200 or 1M 3 hourly (3)

Gushing; exhausting with colic as from sharp stones rubbing together; irregular and prickly Cocculus ind.30 or 200 4 hourly

Scanty; early or delayed; clots of black blood; menstrual flow aggravates adjectives the complaints Thuja oc.200 or 1M 3 hourly (3)

Frequent; early or delayed during daylight time only; no menses at darkness; scanty and horrible Causticum 200 or 1M 3 hourly (3)

Frequent and gushing; membranous; painful and stringy; breasts swollen and bumpy before menses and better afterwards; excessive menstruation; discharge of bloody mucous after menses at the time of unsullied moon Lac-can.200 or 1M 3 hourly (3)

Menses during lactation period; while nursing the child Silicea 200 or 1M 3 hourly (3)

Membranous; rash and profuse, with griping in belly; nausea and pain surrounded by stomach extending to small of back Borax 30 4 hourly

Early near thick and strong odour; disagreeable; premature and too copious Carbo Veg.30 or 200 3 hourly (3 Doses)

Menses offensive; vicarious; mammae swollen and bumpy Psorinum 200 or 1M, monthly (3)

Menses painful; suppressed; colic back the appearance of discharge Verat Vir 30X or 200 4 hourly (3 Doses)

Dysmenorrhoea; menses usually delayed Pneumococcus 30X or 200, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

Take the remedy which is the most similar to your symptoms as suggested above, for total cure of your complaint, totally without any side effects or complications.
Take fastidiousness and God Bless you !

I have have my period for 5 and a hlaf months?

From the symptoms you are describing the singular possible diagnosis that come to mind are:
1. Thrombocytopenia- Low platelet counts- is there history of hemophillia contained by the family? Are you on blood thining agents (ie warfarin) Have you be or too excessive amounts of aspirin?

2. A possible sinus or fissure had formed (though usually these are sensitive and you'd know).

3. Maybe you are engaging within too rough intercourse, or self pleasuring toys (not saying you do, but this is lately one of the four possibilities that come to mind).

4. A tumor which can be either benign or malignant... There are cases within which patients have be known to own pelvic tumors and not have any misery whatsoever.

Again there may be more possibilities, but these are what comes to mind at this moment... My suggestion is if you hadn't done so on the other hand is to get a CBC (complete blood count) oral exam done and if that comes negative, an MRI... usually if near are cases of tumors, "tumor markers" can be found in the blood trial. Hope I shed some light and bring well soon.

How do you seize rid of the belly fat after pregnancy?

I have the same exact problem for roughly speaking six years yes the pill could help stop the bleeding but not stop the problem, next I couldn't walk more than four steps near out stopping to breath my heart beat be ten times its usual beat and finally an elder male doctor have me transported in a ambulance to the hospital I have a 4.2 blood level I be almost dead, so I have a blood transfusion I was better but the bleeding didn't stop after three more blood transfusions in smaller quantity than three months they finally had my uterus removed. I quality like contemporary I will never bleed again and I feel alive. The doctors said if I didn't enjoy the blood transfusion I could get a blood cloth turn to the brain and die. So be care full or drive your self to the hospital and let somebody know them you cant handle the bleeding anymore. Good luck

What is pph?

See a board-certified gynecologist and inquire something like a hysterectomy.

You are responsible for your own health. Keep a calendar of how recurrently this occurs and what the flow rate is. Take a register of questions near you to the doctor's office and write down the answers. Get an ultrasound done. If that gynecologist can't grant you a diagnosis, see one that specializes in oncology (cancer).

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