Diarrhea after anal sex? Please read for more details...?

Last night, my boyfriend and I explored something unmarked and tried anal. (I'm on birth control so we didnt use a condom, and he was going to verbs out before he came) Well, he pulled out something like half a second after her come...inside me. >< i took a shower and cleaned out everything [nothing got into my vagina, I made sure of that]

Well, this morning when I woke up, I REALLY needed to use the bathroom: not because I have to pee but because I felt similar to I was going to hold diarrhea. I used the bathroom, thinking I had diarrhea, and (sorry for the TMI) when i go to wipe and clean up, it be clear: like...glutinous water.

Could that some of the semen from later night? Should I be worried.

If it issue, I'm 16. And please...Don't give me any of the "you should lurk until you're married" blah blah blah stuff.

Serious answers please: all else will be reported.

Thanks within advance!


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Yeah, that's probably unused semen from when your bf ejaculated contained by you. Your anus will naturally close up to prevent "leakage" unless you spread yourself spread out to let doesn`t matter what is in within to leak out or forcibly push it out using your rectal muscles. You can try have anal sex with a condom subsequent time and see if you have like peas in a pod results.

I have be taking danazol for four months it finished 10 days ago when do i get my extent?

He did what to you

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i recon that it be probebly some semen from the night formerly but i cant be sure. i wouldent worry though.

What does it denote to be thirsty for female attention?

Sounds approaching that was semen.I would'nt verbs.

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Oh! I bet this is indeed from your boyfriend coming inside of you later night! That same item happened to my cousin. No worries, it's any that or some weird coincidence that you ate something doomed to failure last dark. Good luck! :)

What would make anorexia start contained by middle age women?

Yes- it be semen.

What could it be?

Well, you must be greek!!

Thats some serious S H I T

OK, first, you nned to have your b/f procure a straw,
and suck that s h i t out!!

who cares if your not married? you entail practice.

If you leave that contained by you, you call procure a trans anal reflex!!
You know what that is?
Thats when, your anal path turns inside out, kind of resembling an anal prolaps!! But, it will be infested with infection too.

Anal and Vaginal sex, as you are finding out, can be hazardous...and I would be concerned if I were you, because the first sign of trans anal reflex, is the exprssion of clear: resembling...thick dampen.

From now on, I would purely have him blow contained by your mouth

Losing your virginity?

Well I won't give you the blah blah blah but at 16 I find you wayyyyyy too immature.. Y cuz I am a mom with two young daughters and this scares me..
Anyhow to answer your interview, yes it probably was and also you should know that anal sex minus a condom is just plain asking for trouble.. for him and you! Birth control or no birth control you should other use a condom for vaginal as well as anal. And also anal sex act like an enema and explicitly the reason you feel like you be going to have diarrhea..
Here are some links next to information..


Please backing me?!?

I just love the passageway you threaten to report people you silly little **
report me

Question for us ladies?

If it happenend once and stopped, it should be semen beside some secretions cause by the irritation. You should use condom though, good for both of u.

Serious sex interview. Look at details because it's too long to write.?

It's most likely mucoid fluid from your diarrhea. For it to be from his semen, he would enjoy needed to ejaculate a cupful or more. due to the reality that semen starts breaking down when it's not in an environment that supports it. I doubt that you enjoy anything to be concerned over. Sometimes anxiety causes liquidy stools. So if you're going to be doing this more, it might go off again until you're confortable with it.

Question for hgirls?

Girl, dont verbs. Thats just his stuff coming out.

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