I never wash my hand after i pee-pee?

Guess I wasen't raised that track.
Girls do becuase they wipe there pee and it get on there hand.
But I just get hold of the shaft, aim and fire.
-Note- No pee has touched my hand.
Why do girls think guys are heartless if they don't wash at hand hands?


Is within any medication out there that can bring forward your menstrual interval.?

You touched your junk you @hole. Go valet your hand. I'd knock you out if I ever found out you be someone that worked with me.

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Your disgusting you should be violated.

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one word

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Girls think guys are mean for not washing their hand because of all the germs you are carrying on them. Look at how copious people are getting sick from possibly touching something that you touched. Girls don't want to get under the weather.

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girls don't get pee pee on their hands dumb f*ck. within fact, we touch smaller quantity of ourselves than you do. we just touch the toilet weekly... you are touching your junk. sickkkkkkkkkkkko.

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Well it wouldn't be so impossible I guess, but you know when you do set on the toilet, it hangs down within there........gross......so really you should bathe your hands.

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you are touching a private part of your body that urine pass through. You should wash your hand as some urine may have gotten on them short you noticing. You own germs all over your body as powerfully as on bathroom equipment. Wash your hands beside soap for your own person strength. Your hands put up beside more dirt in in the future than the rest of your body does in a week so please, the tiniest you can do is look after them.

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Because it's still gross. It spreads germs. No matter if you acquire pee on your hands or not. It's purely gross. Take it from a medical professional, wash your hand!! You can get illnesses from not wash your hands lately as you can spread them.

Really important grill (girls should answer).?

you touch somthing worse than your "PEE PEE" no girl will want to hold YOUR hand!

What are the probability of getting pregante w/ an iud in?

its totally nasty!! it doesnt business if no pee touches your hands, its still foul!

i work in a drug carrying out tests facility and we do urine drug screens adjectives the time. i can not tell you how much i a moment ago wanna puke when someone comes out of the bathroom and doesnt wash their hand, especially when they wanna use my pen after grose! we actually have one guy take a crap contained by our testing bathroom and not valet his hands after!! we sprayed everything he touched down beside disenfectant.

not only is it hurtful fo both males and females not to wash their hand, but thats how you spred germs and diseases!

stop being heartless and wash your hand!!

Size 0 disgusting?

Think about it this passageway. You touched the door handle to shift in to the bathroom. I have to do a study once in college. I have to swab anything in our building. I swabbed the bathroom door handle. I grew gonorrhea. So after touching the fiddle with you go and touch yourself. Isn't this a nice thought. Not to mention you touched the feel to flush. This is just disgusting. You seriously obligation to wash your hand.

Plz help me .. i necessitate some motivation n encouragement. itz about first time sex?

Everything in the bathroom is considered gross, especially the knob to flush the toilet, the faucet handle, & the door handle...& you touching your body slice.

When having sex!!?

Girls feel its nasty because it is horrible. C'mon just swab your hands . It doesnt hurt and it just takes a few second.

Real answers about colostrum?

urine is sterile. look it up. bath your hands and take the doorknob to leave and you re pay for where you started from. germs want dark moist areas to grow. men enjoy the darkness but not the moisture. your mommies get you all frightened

Bladder infection?

cause your touching that.
and later you touch other things.
uh you are gross

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