Can stress cause a woman to be a month late on her period?

in trouble with the regulation,fighting next to parents,overworked,addicted to drugs

Does it get easier ?

Stress is the second most adjectives cause of in arrears or missed periods contained by teens. It may be emotional stress (for example, breakup near a boyfriend or final exams) or depression. Or it may be physical stress to the body, such as a severe illness, a sexually transmitted infection, speedy weight loss or gain, or strenuous exercise. Dieting or binging and purging may interrupt menstrual cycles. Changes in your usual routine (for example, going on vacation) may also exact your period to be belatedly or missed. Your periods should return when the goings-on or situations that are stressing you are eliminated or changed.

If you miss 3 or more menstrual cycles you should see you gyno.

Im getting gather together ticked off..?

yes its possible

Should I return with myself tested for STDs? Please help me!?

Oh yeah, it can trademark you be more than a month late depending on how stressed out you are.

Sometimes I step 2 or 3 weeks without have sex. When I do have sex I start to bleed afterwards. Is this normal

addiction. as capably stress can cause various things as well trouble beside the law. as in good health in my opion yes to a certian scope. but being that unpunctually get a home . try-out to check for being pragnet. surrounded by my opion?

Im 21 this yr & i'm not pregnant and have never be so why do i always hold that brown line on my tummy?

Yes, it can. Drugs and deficiency of sleep can do it, too. So can not eating adequate. You might want to take a pregnancy interview just to be unquestionably sure, though.

Boyfriends and Birth Control Pill?

Yes, stress can cause you to miss your period. If you are sexually active you should also filch a preg. test to produce sure that you are not preggers.

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