How unpromising does it hurt when u lose ur virginity?

I'm a virginand considering having sex (protected, not stupid) I'm wondering what to expect and bleeding after. Girls facilitate!

How many of you.?

My wife be a virgin (so was I) when we begin dating. Our first time I was terribly slow and we used a lot of foreplay. She be a little sore the subsequent day and didn't bleed at adjectives. She said it felt really apposite, but she didn't have an orgasm the first time (not until the third), so I might own done better, but at least it wasn't doomed to failure...

The key is to be relaxed, and that vehicle being beside someone you trust and love. If you both concentrate on the other person's mental state and responses, you will have a positive experience.

By the approach... saliva makes a wonderful lubricant, especially when applied without stinting to (and by) both people... close to they say... getting in that is half the fun!

Best wishes,
Ed, RN

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it depends on how big the stick is..and what else you have put up there.. you'll probably bleed, and it hurt satisfactory to not do it very long the first couple of times

I get fingerd for the first time but i didn't feel any point is that nomal?

look at it this way- if it hurt so much there would be certainly ZERO population growth.

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does not hurt much, nor does it bleed much.

Im a guy who wants to be a girl any tips to relief?

expect bleeding... the pain wasnt too desperate for me... it wasnt anything you just cant manipulate or tolerate!

Middle School In Belen, New Mexico read on please?

i dont know abt the pain. i hear tt if the guy does it right, it would be less aching.

Each girl bleed differently.

so...perhaps try chitchat to ur partner first and be sure u both are ready.

Girls one and only!?

depends on whether guy is a jerk and slams and bang or if he's gentle. whichever, it's not going to be too comfortable. but if he's not going to be slow and assured w/you, just forget more or less it and wait for someone wearing clothes.

Where iswhere is the more pleasure in girls ** or surrounded by the more pleasure in girls ** or contained by ?

Every girl is different. some girls have a wider set vagina and it doesn't hurt. other girls don't even bleed. If you've used tampons or enjoy been fingered earlier it won't hurt or bleed as much. It will feel benign of like burning. Like you've be rubbing your skin for a period of time and it get hot.

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Most girls are very dramatic give or take a few it, it's not THAT bad. You probably will spot or insubstantially bleed after from perforating the hymen (popping the cherry) but it's not as horrible as everyone enunciate, just BE CAREFUL! Make sure it's next to the right person.

Help!! pink vaginal discharge after sex?

It depends. A lot of time it hurts because the girl is too worried and tense, consequently your vaginal muscles become tense, making intercourse harder. Your first time you're usually not relaxed and "turned on" plenty to enjoy the experience. So try to relax #1. You may want to consider a lubricant too. And not adjectives girls bleed. Many times if you've used a tampon or are very involved, your hymen has already be broken, and therefore you may not bleed at adjectives.

Good luck. Sex gets better next to time.

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If the guy really care about you and go slow, it isn't that bad. Make sure your first time is beside someone you will look back on and feel, "Wow, that guy really loved me!"

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if done properly, it will hurt less than a inoculation. but make sure u are organized to lose ur virginity, because once u do, u can't get it backbone!

Ladies only please?

It will depend on how turned on you are (or lubricated you are) and the size of him. Make sure you do lots of foreplay beforehand and you should be sufficiently turned on so that it won't hurt. Just thieve it slow. You will only bleed collectively if your hymen hasn't broken previously. But it's possible that this could have be broken playing sport, riding a horse, etc. Have a shower afterwards and go to the toilet as this can diminish irritation or potential infection.

Make sure you consider this carefully. It's fitting that you are going to use protection but make sure you've also get a secondary form of birth control. It may be a moral idea for the both of you to be checked out beforehand. Also, avoid alcohol as I've prearranged too many girls who enjoy regretted their first time as they were inebrieated. As you mentioned above, you're not stupid, but it's only a word of friendly advice. :)

Best of luck. I hope it is an experience you wallow in and feel worthy about.

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It's different for everyone. I didn't bleed at all, but it DID hurt. If you've never "introduced" anything in here, it may hurt quite a bit. For others, it won't hurt, but it may bleed.

One word of guidance (take it or leave it):
PLEEEEEEASE build sure that you are having sex beside someone you love! After i first lost my virginity, i went crazy near it (ashamed to say). When I met my husband, I was embarassed to communicate him, and for a while he kept wondering in the back of his mind "am i as biddable as all the other guys?" It wasn't gala to him to put him through that! So, just be wary! This is ONE thing you can NEVER get hold of back!

suitable luck :)

Why do women get time pain?

val if your a guy later no ur lucky and don't have to verbs haha but if your a girl then depending on the guys size it could hurt profusely so pick someone who's small down their for your first time lol seriously though if your well lubricated and step slowly first you'll be fine if you can handle a skin knees you can handle that

if you really wanna be on the not dangerous side maybe you should take a toy and do it yourself that way you'll enjoy more control and if it hurts to much you can stop

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I don't enjoy any experiences to answer your question, b/c I'm a virgin girl, too! this mundane!!?

well depends on how hard he does it, how worried you are and if you masterbate.
good luck and be cautious happy sex!

Razor Burn - hurts scantily?

It is such an individual thing, the solitary way to know is to find out. People can gossip and talk nearly their experiences but you might be completely different.

Firstly, it's unlikely to hurt much unless you have a hymen - that adulterate membrane around the opening - for plentiful girls this is already broken before they enjoy sex. For those where it's not, it's usually for a moment pain and bleeding, but most describe it as immediate and not too bad. Some girls don't bleed, some bleed a great deal (if it keeps going for a long time afterwards, something is wrong and you will stipulation to see a doctor).There are so many factor, like the size of your vagina (it might hurt if it's tight, depends what else you've have up there close to tampons etc, and if you're tensed up or not), lubrication (it might hurt if it's dry and you're not aroused), size of the guy (bigger might hurt) and how slowly and gently you do it and how relaxed you are. You should try using some fingers up at hand first if you haven't already, perhaps stretch it beside fingers a bit if necessary, trademark sure you are wet and going slow, economically done for knowing about protection, apt luck!

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