I am startled...lend a hand me pleas?

I was on the nuvaring, this was my third cycle next to it. But one day before I inserted my fresh one I started getting morning sickness just like I did when I be pregnant. After a few days it worsened so I removed the ring. Well that's been 5 days ago now and I'm still sick as ever, I took a prego check and it turned up negative last week, and I'm bleeding in a minute so I know I can't be pregnant. What else could be going on here? I'm at my wits end and can't afford an expensive doctors visit right presently. I'm scared, I can barely put away. And now I am having headache as well. Any helpful suggestion is much appreciated. Thanks

I involve to do an on-line class for my WIC and i don't know what the website is?I live surrounded by St. Clair County IL

First... Please calm down... I know you feel sick right immediately, but we can get it worked out. Also, I can assure you that you are going to be OK...

Second, eventhough the NuvaRing is a low dose estrogen, it would appear from your "morning sickness" comments that you were getting a illustrious dose of estrogen which would appear to be the cause of your symptoms. Stopping the NuvaRing was the right article to do... The next thing you call for to do is talk to your GP about the situation. (Call Him) It would appear that I don`t know the NuvaRing is not for you, but your doctor should make this call.

As far as the headache symptom, I would guess this is unrelated, but I am not an expert on NuvaRing. Either style, I would not consider the symptom to be serious in nature.

Also, as far as how "long" it will be within your system... Any issue like this tells you that your body is not responding correctly, so I would assume you enjoy no protection at the moment from pregnancy, and probably haven't for at least the last week. This does not appear to be a problem, however, because you are mentrating at the moment. Until these issues are work out, however, please do not assume anything...

In short, you are going to be OK. Please do not verbs about your health. This is of late a issue with the NuvaRing that you need to tell with your doctor about. Also, If you do not own the money, then call him on the phone and explain the situation... I can assure you he will get and if he does not, then you need another doctor...

Good Luck and I Hope this Helps...

I'm a virgin and i drink alot of hose but it burns sometimes after i pee not during ever since i be little

I can't afford a doctor right very soon either, so I know how it is. You MUST see a doctor. Any number of things could be going on. You could be having a miscarriage or you could enjoy a bad infection. Either make a clearance arrangement with your doctor or go to your local condition department or emergency room. This could also be nothing, but why take the occasion? Good luck. Hope everything turns out okay.

Girl questoin roughly boobs, I call for grown warning?


O.K, do you not have a free clinic where you are? How be the bleeding? Light or heavy? (you can still be pregnant if you are spotting etc) and imo you still could be pregnant, even after doing a test, it could've be too early to pick up on the hormones.

try and relax hun, that wont help your headache!!

take care mate,

How much weightiness do you gain on your term?

You unequivocally need advice from a doctor or nurse. Can you ring the place that sold you the nuvaring? That's were I would start first. There is something wrong. Good luck. I'll be praying for you.

How can i lose weightiness surrounded by of late 2 months?

I am on the Nuvaring, too, and I get nauseated every once surrounded by a while, too, especially in the beginning of the 1st week and the 3rd week. Everyone is different, but my OB told me that any birthcontrol is supposed to "trick" your body into thinking you are already pregnant i.e. why it works. Although I have never been pregnant beforehand, thus I wouldn't know how my body would react to a pregnancy, the OB told me that most likely I will be experiencing similar symptoms to what I experience near the birth control.

So the bottom line is, your reaction to the NuvaRing is run of the mill and common. At the bottom I provided a link near the NuvaRing physician's information leaflet for your information. There is a lot of information here, so read it - I don`t know it will clue you in on some other stuff you're having.

Also, for adjectives reference, too, your pharmacist (the one you get your Rx from?) ask him or her. They know profoundly about birth control and although they will tell you they cannot diagnose you next to anything or give you medical advice, they will largely tell you if what you may be experiencing are some of the side effects you could be experiencing. Or not. If they don't answer your question dance to another pharmacy and ask. A pharmacist is a physician's and nurses's best consultant when it comes to medications and compatibilities. :)

Secondly. Now that you've stated that you've taken out your birthcontrol, I really hope you are using a second method as it takes 24 hours to win the hormones out of your system. In fact, with the NuvaRing self a slightly less hormones method (I think), you should not leave it out for longer than 3 hours. You don't hold to go the doctor's office to ask a request for information. Call the OB clinic where your MD is and ask to talk to a nurse. If they say-so they don't have one, say you enjoy an urgent question. They have to acquire you a nurse then. Even if they are mean or anything (which they shouldn't be by any means) explain to them that you cannot afford to go to the doctor, that you have this situation and see what they right to be heard. 9 times out of 10 the nurse will tell you that she will ask YOUR doctor herself about your problem and will nickname you back with direction or tell you that you need to come within.

Most likely they will tell you to try this item one more month and call them if you hold bad nausea again. If so, they may ask you to come in and adjust your birthcontrol or lately give you a smaller dose one.

Not to get entity or anything, but my first birth control was the pill. It was horrible. I be puking for literally 24 hours on my 2nd week and I felt SO sick I stopped taking it, too. My doctor gave me another pill near lower level hormones and it wasn't making me puke, but rather VERY nauseated. He later gave me the NuvaRing and I haven't looked back since. It make me nauseous sometimes but it's a lower dose hormone birth control (it works just as in good health!) and I don't have to worry give or take a few taking it on a regular basis.

I hope you get your situation figure out. Good luck, I hope this helped.

Did u.?

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