Side Effects of using Birth Control Pills...?

I just only just swtiched to a lower homorone birth control pill than the one I was previously taking. Since later I have be sick to my stomach, have frequent headache, and have a loss of appetite. Are these mundane side effects or is something else seriously wrong? Thanks!

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The feeling sick to the stomach can be a adjectives side effect with the pill. The easiest passageway to deal beside that is to try taking some food near it such as peanut butter (because of the protein that it gives) if not allergic to peanuts.

Because of the headache I would recommend getting in touch with your dr to see what they recommend to do subsequent.

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I know you probably do not want to hear read the packet details, but with everyone it is different. With a lower hormone bc you might perceive a little more dull pain during your cycle, but I have found i.e. better than migraines and weight gain and vomiting!
upright luck!

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