After i have sex next to my mate 14 days after of my period,whats protect my unborn newborn from miscarriage?

i drink 8 glass of sea a day,i get through green vegatbles every day,i whip the medicine what my GYN doctor dispense me everyday,i was littlebit frantic once sine 1 in the half days ago,yesterday i have little confrontation with my husband,my right breast be hurting me since tuesday,my back is hurting me but not that doomed to failure since wednesday,i do some yoga and do some hip-hop areobics and i did jump up and down alot almost everyday,i dont break night,sometimes my uretus hurt me littlebit but not like when you enjoy your thats a sign of my extent or pregnancy?.oh yeah,my 14th day be 3/9/07 or 3/10/07 and ive been own sex with my husband suring my ovalution week.


Pregnant? helppppppppp?

Unborn babies are in truth a lot better protected within the uterus than many those give them credit for. Regular exercise, including yoga and hip-hop aerobics should be without doubt fine. If you think you really are pregnant, maintain up the exercise, keep up drinking lots of marine, and keep drinking lots of veggies.
Things like sore breasts, and cramps/nausea can be signs of pregnancy for some women, but not other. Wait until about two weeks after ovulation, and afterwards go acquire yourself a pregnancy test.
Good luck!

Stopping spell for a month?

The causes of misscarriage are for the most portion still a mystery for doctors. they have some design about things that might inflict them and they do say that most miscarriages come to pass because there wasn't something right next to the baby from the return with go so its merely mother natures raw selection process. You nouns like that if you are pregnant that you are doing everything right. I have cramping the first three months with my daughter bad and on but as for a sign of pregnancy the only true sign is that of a missed interval. Good luck and by the way you nouns you want to have a tot so i hope that the baby stork will be visit you in your adjectives.

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