
ok since im pregnant...and my bf wants to try anal im wondering
how impossible does it hurt is there any bearing to ease the anguish and is there any technique to make it perceive better.curious
and is it ok or can it hurt me in any other road...

Thrush or utinary tract infection?

Use a ton of lube because there is no inherent wetness there close to the vagina. And tell him to stir slow at first until you get used to it.

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wow! inform me how the baby go! is it a boy or a girl and what are you going to name it? are you and your bf going to draw from married?

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I hold tried so many times, even beside tons of lube and I CAN'T do it. My husband always wishes to try it and he already has a pretty big bunch (even normal sex can be prickly in some positions). He can single make it a moment ago about 1/4 of the process in previously I start jumping. We even tried it after a darkness of a lot of wine and nope couldn't do it. Good luck though. Remember, if he starts to complain just about it, ask him if you can try and put a lubed dildo in his "exit only".

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Use lots of lub so it go in smoother, nearby is some pain at first so you obligation to tell him to dance SLOW and shallow. To prepare, you could also use something small to strech out the hole and get you used to the foreboding. A good instrument to do it is to lean over your bathroom counter facing the mirror, you can support yourself and still see your honey's face. If he's peaceable nothing desperate can happen, so don't verbs about hurting anything.

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Jeeze! You are pregnant? You must already be uncomfortable and within pain sometimes. Why would you want to net yourself more uncomfortable and possible be bleeding for days? Thats ridiculous! You enjoy to give birth to that child, your BF can linger until you are stitched up and healed up to that time having sex again. And if he cant skulk then hes a thoughtless jerk.


It can produce tearing and injury to your bowel.I'm curious why would you want to try something resembling this.It's not for your enjoyment but his.That seem one sided to me.In a relationship you do what is best for both,but now in attendance's three of you.

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you two have without a doubt had vaginal intercourse since you're pregnant, so unless your doctor or midwife have advise you to avoid sex, stay near vaginal intercourse. Unless he's very rough, or you're almost to occupancy, it will not hurt the baby. And remember, doesn`t matter what your do, if it hurts, STOP!

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