What happen if women thieve viagra??


Help how do u shave below?

It's not for women and it will not increase their sex drive. It's only for erectile dysfunction.

Survey: Have you ever gotten a positive blood oral exam but a negative hpt? I stipulation more answers..thanks?

You walk all dark.

My breast hurt, I don't think i'm pregnant cuz of spell whats wrong?

Happy husbands? Lol, great question

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the feminine eqivalent is niagra.....

Appendix problems?

i think they grow tresses

Wat are some good bc pills that in fact do shorten periods and lessen crasmps?

Their pulse increases , blood flow is stronger throughout the body.

Does ingestion Plantain Bananas really stop your period? Let me knowbecause I don't want to nick any pills.

Well I know of this woman who took testosterone to increase her sex drive, and it worked.....but she grew facial hair and started to look close to a man after a while.

They only furnish it to men.......so I think it's for a motivation.

Lady's please excuse the evasiveness of this question!?

Usually they experience better sex due to the increased blood flow to the genital nouns.

Indian girl..?

Their lips quiver!

Losing the ultimate pounds?

It increases the sex drive in women and makes sex more nice. Check out the attached link to an article on actual women who be prescribed Viagra.

*GIRLS*How old be you when..?

If a woman isn't pregnant, and doesn't have mayor condition problems, cardiophaties (problems in the heart or circulatory system), it will erect the clitoris and the nipples. Some women surrounded by studies have said that it arrouses their sexual appetite, but the notes is inconclusive and it is thought to be mostly a psicological effect.

When do women go through the alter?

An unintentinal ad-a-d*ck-tome
Seriously though the person who mentioned birth defect is right so I wouldn't risk it, try somthing formulated for women!

What can be other reasons for delayed period except pregnancy?

They collapse and Die like Anna Nicole

I hold been married a year very soon and it is now getting more difficult for me to hold an orgasm?

Sorry it's a bit long but this will answer your question....

Women, the architect of Viagra has found, are like mad more complicated than men.

After eight years of work and tests involving 3,000 women, Pfizer Inc. announced yesterday that it be abandoning its crack to prove that the impotence drug Viagra improves sexual function within women. The problem, Pfizer researchers found, is that men and women have a fundamentally different relationship between arousal and desire.
For men, arousal almost other leads to desire. So by on an upward curve a man's ability to hold erections, Viagra measurably affects his sexual function. But arousal and desire are often disconnected contained by women, the researchers found, to their consternation.

Although Viagra can indeed create the outward signs of arousal in many women, that seem to have little effect on a woman's gameness, or desire, to have sex, the researchers said.

"There's a disconnect contained by many women between genital change and mental changes," said Mitra Boolel, commander of Pfizer's sex research team. "This disconnect does not exist within men. Men consistently get erections within the presence of naked women and want to hold sex. With women, things depend on a myriad of factors."

Dr. Boolel said that he and his troop were continuing their research. But he said the researchers be changing their focus from a woman's genitals to her organizer. The brain is the crucial sexual organ in women, he said.

Drugs that affect brain chemistry "could be an extremely interesting area of investigation," he said.

Pfizer's problem have been that its research challenge has largely be led by cardiologists and urologists, said Dr. George Nurnberg, professor of psychiatry at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine. "Psychiatry hasn't be a major player," he said.

That is a mistake near women, he said, because psychology is more important within their sexuality than it is in men's.

Still, Viagra can be decisive in some women, Dr. Nurnberg said. Women who once have normal sexual function but consequently suddenly lost all desire - regularly as a result of taking antidepressants - can be helped by Viagra, he said. Women who enjoy always have low libido levels are untouched by Viagra, he said.

"That's because hormones trump Viagra," said Dr. Jennifer R. Berman, assistant professor of urology at U.C.L.A. and director of the Female Sexual Medicine Center. Much of Pfizer's research found that the real factor surrounded by determining desire and sexual function in women is hormone levels, Dr. Berman said.

Procter & Gamble is trialling a patch with testosterone, the mannish hormone, as a means of on the way female sexual function. Some gynecologists are already prescribing testosterone for patients who complain of low libidos. Estrogen treatments and supplements are also commonly used.

The bazaar for such treatments could be huge. A study published in 1999 within The Journal of the American Medical Association found that 43 percent of women experienced some form of sexual dysfunction, compared with 31 percent of men.

But that study have been roundly criticized, and some women's robustness researchers say the entire turn upside down for a female Viagra is wrong-headed. "The theory that there is some conventional level of sexual functioning drives me up the creek," said Leonore Tiefer, a clinical psychologist in New York. "These companies believe that sex is event of organ function, like breathing or excretion. I don't presume there's an answer to the quiz of what women should want sexually."

But Dr. Boolel say critics similar to Dr. Tiefer are being insensitive. "To women who own it, female sexual dysfunction is definite and distressing, and to say it's an invention is an insult to women's condition," he said.

Karen Katen, president of Pfizer Global Pharmaceuticals, said the company's lack of nouns in its Viagra for women program be, unfortunately, adjectives too typical. "We make substantial financial investments, drive the talents of our best scientists and clinicians and spend years studying potential treatments individual to find that they do not meet the requirements for regulatory approval," she said.

Pfizer once have great hopes for its clinical program testing Viagra within women. Viagra works by blocking an enzyme that normally inhibits blood flow, cause penile tissue to swell. That enzyme is found in great quantity in the penis and is also found contained by the pelvic region of women.

In one early clinical trial, researchers give six women Viagra and six others a placebo, sat them surrounded by front of erotic videos and used a pelvic verbs to measure any adjust in genital blood flow. The sex organs of women given Viagra be more engorged than those given placebos. The program seemed to be succeeding, Dr. Tiefer said.

But a larger trial that included a questionnaire found that although Viagra be associated with greater pelvic blood flow, the women experiencing this effect did not discern any more aroused, Dr. Boolel said.

Pfizer researchers spent years trying to find some well-defined group of women for whom increased pelvic blood flow and desire could be linked. They substandard, he said.

Dr. Marianne Legato, professor of clinical medicine at Columbia University and director of the Partnership for Gender Specific Medicine, said that the disconnection between arousal and desire in masses women was so profound that they "commonly don't have any desire for sex until they are physically surrounded by the act of lovemaking."

Indeed, getting a woman to connect arousal and desire, Dr. Legato said, requires exquisite timing on a man's cut and a fair amount of coaxing. "What we entail to do is find a pill for engendering the perception of intimacy," she said.

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My personal experience is it made me sick adjectives night long. I have headaches and stomach ache, felt similar to I was gonna miss out. Sex was clearly not on the agenda that night. I do not recommend it as a recreational drug, address to your OBGYN if you need assistance surrounded by that area.

Annoying sickness?

I'm really not sure - but if she get an erection ??
then I'm heading in the disparate direction !!

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