I hold been married a year in a minute and it is now getting more difficult for me to enjoy an orgasm?

we only enjoy sex once a week, and im not bored.

What should I do?

In order to climax you own to be in the mood and relaxed. Women pocket longer to warm up than men and if you are not properly excited later you will probably not climax. Also if your partner is doing it by the numbers sort of speaking then you may not climax any. Have you discussed this problem with your partner? Have you talk to him about what you inevitability to climax?

Hope things work out for you.

Is it Bipolar or do i need Anger running?

have sex 3 times a day, seriously breakfast, lunch and dinner.

When will (GIRLS ONLY..) your nipples start to grow out? EXACT ANSWER PLEASE!?

ONLY once a week? thats a great deal! how is it? hows ure man? fine.? lol! im just kid! have fun beside him!

Does TMJ have something to do near growth , or height or something?

Sometimes stress or medication (if you're on any) could play a factor. Try have a bath together, or polish, etc. Things of this nature other help me.

How do you accomplish the sexual "climax"?

Don't worry in the order of it. Females don't need to orgasm ; one and only men do to ejaculate our never ending supply of semen. You concede you're not bored so focus on giving your man the sexual pleasure he needs & deserves whenever he requirements it.

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