Abnormal Pap Smear scare my sister-in-law?
I have never hear fo this. She is telling her that she is going to be in excurshiating stomach-ache. Now I have hear of cervix biopsys, but uterus?!?!
I told my sister-in-law that I would research stuff on it for her to ease her mind, her mother told me NOT to.
Now she is unnerved of this procedure because her mom has chock-a-block her head near stuff that is not true to my knowlegde.
Uterus biopsy after ONE out of the ordinary pap? Has anyone else ever heard of this?
Keep contained by mind this is because of my sister-in-laws FIRST pap results.
I need closely of info on this because I am not going to let my sister-in-law be alarmed of getting paps for the rest of her life because of this.
I am 23 and enjoy had my regualr paps, and I hold NEVER heard of this past!
Are you sure her mother has her facts straight? It is possible for a uterine biopsy to be preformed, however I am close to you and think it's a cervical biopsy. I would own the girl call the doctor and ask what category of biopsy is going to be preformed. If they were going to do a uterine biopsy it would be because they deem there is something going on inside the uterus. However, this is NOT standard procedure after a discouraging pap.
i wouldn't worry to much roughly speaking an abnormal pap smear. near are certain level of abnormal pap smears and her obgyn would hold informed her of having it retested inside a couple of months. she could have HPV (if she's sexually active) and that could brand it abnormal too.
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