Can't deal next to it anymore!?

My family have alot of problems. My mom wanst to divorice my dad so badly and I come up with he realizes it so he's trying to product it look like I'm trying to break the own flesh and blood up. I think he's going after me because my mom and I are so close and I'll incite her and stand by her all the route when ever she leave the joggle.

But I don't know how to deal next to him anymore. He makes fun of everything I do, he's call me fugly, dumb, he makes fun of my counterbalance, when I'm upset he'll yell at me and constantly tell my mom about how I'm trying to break the own flesh and blood apart and I'm such a b*tch and an ingrate, ext.

Today he told my mom that when he picked me up from the gym that he tried to talk to me and said Hello to me, and he told my mom adjectives i did was turn and afford him a real dirty look and ignor him...but infact he never said anything and i didn't even look at him!

He keep making up all these stories, and I've absolutly no impression how to deal beside him anymore, I hate this man next to a passion. Help?

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Well that sounds awful, to be precise a type of abuse. It's not right. Tell your mom you're relying on her to stop this. He can voice that YOU are trying to break up the family, when really it's him if truth be told doing it. He's trying to put the blame on you to make himself have a feeling better.
He sounds like a bully to me.

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the best thing you could do is sit down near him and your mother and have a domestic discussion, if he is making you feel this instrument he is probably making your mother feel duplicate so she will not have adequate strength to leave him. if you adjectives sit down and talk going on for it, it may help.

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confront him in front of your mother,see if he squirms at your ask put to him while she is there,at the moment your mom is ,or it seem,is getting stories about you second mitt.don't take this foul language,stand up for yourself.luck to you.

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