Can women get "blue balls" close to men?

okay not literally "balls", but sometimes my cilt turns blue


Is there a bearing my breasts can get bigger at 19 minus undergoing surgery?

That sounds serious you should see a doctor, but to answer your questio--no. We do not own the ingredients.

Question on hysterectomy?

Not even a little bit.

Why am I have a low sex drive?

Uh, Im sorry but I really don't sit there and examine my clit

At what age does a woman make her sexual peak?

i donk know nearly that...
ive never looked that closely... lol

Curiosity question: How do women quality about their breasts?


I know its alot?

r u kid? maybe it turns blue because ur giant

I Think I Have A Saggy Clit?

no thank god!!

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What on earth are you discussion about?

What can you chomp through when you have your term?

Your balls don't really turn blue beside blue balls, if explicitly a real condition (it's up for debate). If your clit's turning blue, see a doctor.

I really hope you're humour.

For women only.?

Yes it can, because women may experience a similar inkling if she is aroused and does not have an orgasm... It's call vasocongestion.

I don't think it'd turn blue, but.. I guess it could because of the blood surrounded by that area anyone concentrated.

I am considering Tubal Ligation (permanent birth control)?

the obvious answer is no and if your staring at your clit and it looks blue to you, you might want to stir see your doctor ASAP or even go to the emergency room because something is really wrong beside you and your vagina.

Am i fat?

blood that have had its oxygen used by the body is blue. if your clit is experiencing significant blood flow it might appear blue. "blue balls" are associated beside pain when they are primed for ejaculation and next do not. Do you have distress, since you don't ejaculate what might that pain be from. if it is only swelling or rawness then it is not blue ball per se.

Medical question, matured people simply please?

Men don't actually obtain "blue balls" its just a dub for when a man get so aroused and implicit ejaculation and then adjectives of a sudden doesn't ejaculate due to various reason. The semen then go back down the urethra and can motivation pain within the scrotum. And Yes women can experience the same point , where the clit will stay swollen due to arousal but doesn't accomplish climax. It doesn't last outstandingly long but can be painful. and btw your clit doesnt turn blue and if it does something is wrong beside you ... IE: circulatory problems.

What to expect?

not unless you lived in Amsterdam,and have male parts also

P*SSED OFF>>>>>REALLY P*SSED OFF please read this?

No, but conceivably thats bcuz your playing with it for a while too much

I had a hystectomy on June 19. My ovaries be not removed.. After surgery i didnt spot blood but today?

Men are not alone in experiencing the discomfort of unrelieved vasocongestion. Women's genitals also become engorged near blood during sexual arousal and, like their mannish counterparts, women can experience pelvic heaviness and tender if they do not reach orgasm."

What age did you masturbate at?

purple ur thinking of purple

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