How long should i wait to own sex? asap?


Plz,help,I'm feed up of this feeling!?

You single get to bestow the precious gift of your virginity once. Make sure it is someone you truly love or you will get the impression very disappointed in yourself that you misspent it on a scoundrel.

Although its immensely very unusual in this afternoon, waiting until you are married is very special and so worth it. Your husband will appreciate knowing that he is your just one.

Ladies Only ..If you are on your period will you enjoy sex and is it more enjoyable ?

Until you are married! your virginity is completely precious!

I has unproteced sex on 12/31/06 have a hiv test on 02/26/07 it be neg. should I have another?

when ever you and your mate are arranged 14 may be a little young at heart but what ever just use a condom if you do dont hold real sex until you are married and all set for a child.Dont rush it you will know when you are ready,promise

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Wait until you are contained by a commited relationship and old adequate to live on your own (18) and support a child (probably even older than that). No birth control is 100% potent. Babies aren't fun 24/7. They are a joy but also expensive and exhausting!!

If someone is pressuring you, attain rid of him. He's not worth it and sleeping with him won't "make" him love you.

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I really do think 14 is too babyish, you and your partner do not have the exciting maturity to feel everything that comes with have sex.

But I also do not believe that you must wait until wedding ceremony. You will know when you are ready to own sex, and it should never be because you feel you enjoy to, or pressured to. And believe me, if you were organized to have sex in a minute, you wouldn't be asking us in the internet world what we think. So dawdle, wait until you surface completely ready.

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its up to you, just whenever you be aware of ready

make sure you own safe sex,achieve a paded headboard,

get it?

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Well Yes Im 14 And im contained by a serious relationship ive been beside my boyfriend a while and we have have sex it is a usual thing immediately :D
But make sure he is the one and you will definately know when you are primed i did :D
You feel undamaging and in love and he isnt using you for the sex etc .
Good luck x x x

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If you have to ask, you're unawares. Simple as that. When you're ready, you'll of late know.

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Wait until you get married.

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when you are 14 you are not ready to pinch on the responsibilities of sexual intercourse. You are young and your body is still growing. I dream up when you are mature ample to understand what you are taking on by have sex, you are old ample.

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You do not necessarily have to skulk until you are married, but you should wait until you are in position for the consequences that come from having sex. You should be mature enough, and grown enough to be responsible for your engagements. Don't feel that you own to rush into anything. I was 29 past I lost my virginity.

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try this
dont agree to this be out!!

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14 seem a bit young. I'm 18 and haven't lost my virginity even so. It's a huge emotional result as well as a physical one. If you presume you're prepared to deal beside the emotional consequences, next that's fine. At least put together sure you're physically prepared. Go to a Health Center, ask about condoms and other forms of Birth Control.

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If you own to ask, you should wait awhile formerly having sex.

Most 14 year olds do not own sex. The world won't come to an end if you don't. If the guy leaves you because you say aloud no, he wasn't worth it anyway - he didn't really care.

Wait a few years. Your first time is precious and should be done when you're arranged, not from peer pressure.

Contraceptives question?

until conjugal. wait as long as u possibly can. that course u will know that u are saving urself for the man u want to spend the rest of ur life span with and own babies with. and u will also know that u will hold no STDs and no pregnency. just stay abstinent as long as u possibly can. and my leash teacher told me once...6 simple words...other remember....boys are jerks sex is bleak. lol. wait dear, lately wait.

What are some tips.?

you are too babyish honey, wait till you find the one

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