how to spice up sex life?

can staying for some few months without making love serve tighten a lose woman

Does Essure really work?

I know that personally the drought of having sex can hold tighten results. Not much but if you include keylex ( I probably misspelled it ) exercises then this will abet to strengthen this area. That is where on earth you contract your outer vaginal muscles-ex. You do this when you are really having to dance to the bathroom if this gives you any concept.

I had four positive home pregnancy test and one positive at the doctor. Could they be wrong?

Nope, but you can get vaginal reform surgery done.

Are any of you currently on or have you ever tried immunotherapy injections?

No, it would not give support to.
Tell her to cross her leggs and use her abdominal mussels.
Woman can tighten there vagina's.

My "cherry popped" when i be fingered. Will it bleed again when i have sex for the first time?

yes it can also near are some creams that can help or the woman can stir kegal excersizes to tighten up!

What happens when you become a egg donor?

Kegel exercises may minister to. It is like when a woman stops urinating in mid-stream.

I've read closely about YAZ cause hair loss - but anyone experience regrowth?

Staying for some few months lacking making love can help tighten the vagina, but it become loose again after having sex the first time.

I miscarried on march past 18th, Now I dont know when to expect my period, Is it 28 days from m/c or When?

yes..but so will excersing. i enjoy frequent sex and my boyfriend still says i'm tight.

is my bladder broken?

yes smaller quantity sex and you vagina will begin to tighten and you could also try Kegel Exercises they will support the most.

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