Is this doomed to failure? like should i run to the doctor?

alrighty someone said i should go to the doctor because when it comes to that lovely time of the month my cramps take sooo bad that i throw up and collaps and cant even move....and near my migranes i have sometimes i cant purloin midol because of my other meds!! i dont know whats wrong im freaking right now!!

Is this even normal?

That is desperate. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder or PMDD Is kind of extraordinary, but not to say you don't enjoy it. It's a really BAD case of PMS and you may want to suggest that to your doctor. There is medication for it, and hopefully it can coincide with your other meds, but you should really progress to the doctor for the bad cramps.

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I'd go and see if the dr. can't relieve you and give you something that you can run with your other meds.

Why do orgasms stop my menstrual cramps?

yes your doc might know how to give you something tht you can lift with your other madicine to serve!

Sleepy all the time, even though I bring back enough rest. Can anyone comfort?

my best friend goes through like peas in a pod stuff you do. one time we was at conservatory and she had her time. she sat subsequent to me in class and she have killer cramps. she leaned over and vomited on my brand unsullied expensive boots. lol. call a doc

Is it a view or a fact that birth control pills can stop a fertilized egg from entering the uterus?

My friend does too, at that time of the month she can not bring back out of bed when it is bad approaching that. The severe pain from cramping receive her nauseated and the headache will come too. You can go to the doctor and see if near is anything that you can do. The other times that she has it desperate is when a cyst ruptures and the toxins make her not a hundred percent. I recommend seeing your OBGYN.

How do you get rid of cramp?

Yes, definitly. My mom go through this as a teenager and she have to go on birth control pills (not because she needed contraception, but because within is something in them that fixes this problem). Go to the doctor.

How can you NOT fart during sex?

that sucks:(
i'd definitely c your doctor nearly that....
my friend gets really desperate cramps, and she says a heat pad is really soothing. perchance you could drink some tea. well, apposite luck, and remember, it's only once a month, and when you conquer menopause in a while from in a minute, you won't have it anymore!

My girlfreinds really in poor health?

Sounds like endometriosis. Better see a doctor. they can conceivably give you a d&c to relieve with the cramps.

My wife never requirements sex any longer. This is due to some medication that she's on. I'm about to die! Advice?

My daughter have symptoms just similar to this. I took her to the gyn dr and they put her on the pill, and she got her go back. She be only 16, but she be in matching boat as you, throwing up and not even being competent to stand up, etc, because the pain be so intense--you need to see a dr even if you don't want to progress, they will help--you don't have to live that process.

Girl Thing!!?

You should definitely progress to the doctor. Maybe you can take a low hormone birth control to generate things more bearable. Midol doesn't work for everyone, you cna try other medications too.

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