Is it okay to have sex beside cervical dysplasia?

In mid march I be diagnosed with mild cervical dysplasia. I very soon have a boyfriend who I am sexually live with. I am on birth-control, but am with the sole purpose on the 8th pill [or day] and did not take it for a couple of months because my dad is divorcing my stepmom, and we're on her insurance, and she wasn't giving us the insurance card to money for the pills. A week or 2 ago, we had sex, and he notice blood on his hands. I have just started my extent that day, so that would explain the bleeding. Yesterday dark we had sex, and it wasn't that rough.. but he did see blood on his hand again. I was not spotting or bleeding prior, since I be on the pill, so what could have cause the bleeding? I read today that it could be due to cervical dysplasia, which I have, and am getting my treatment for it soon. My boyfriend know that I have dysplasia, but is it okay for us to hold sex when I have it? Thank you surrounded by advance.

When ever i shave down in attendance it like itchy how can i stop that?

Ok dandyforsure is for sure an idiot .. lol ... it's not disgusting it cut of life sometimes .. general public are such prudes ... !

Honey the best thing for you to do is research, ask your doctor and steal things slow ... the more you know about it the more you can prevent yourself from getting hurt or messing up your body ... !

right luck .. !

What does the doctor exactly do by a pap smear test?

Only if Miss Cervical Displasia agrees to it. Maybe you should lug her out to dinner first.

Why do I get my length a day or so AFTER I masturbate next to a big orgasm?

yew , but it might hurt some,

First Gyno Visit. Please help gentle me down!! ?

I would contact your doctor about that.

When your on your time how can you stop the blood from getting onto whatever your wearing ?

i would definity ask a doctor first. but yea, i think it would be best if you stop and do some research since you become sexually active again.

I own a dull ache within my right ovary area,?

that is so disgusting. you can at smallest ask anonymously, or ask a doctor. don't post it al over the internet.

How can u prevent stretch marks or is within?

First, planned parenthood or your robustness department can give you a pelvic exam and pills for a lower price. And, you could check webmd roughly the cervical dysplasia. I would think that they would hold told you that when they diagnosed you. Call for an appointment since you may be spotting but it could be more.

How much are you suppose to bleed when you lose your virenity and how many days those th bleedin second?

well you are obviously not comfortable beside it ,see a doctor(OBGYN) and get adjectives the facts. If you know your menes is about to start do not enjoy sex, get your treatments ASAP.

Morning after pill?

(_8^(l) Homer sez yes.

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