I dont consistency soo moral... 10 points first moral answer?

I feel sick to my stomach...
my stomach hurts so bad and I get the impression like I'm going to throw up

my mouth idk it's like I hold on to on having to spit I guess my mouth is watering...

my stomach and head hurt and I have a feeling like I'm gonna puke
why's my mouth watering?
how do I not puke??
What can I do for the nausea?
I'm 14 i cant tell my parents

Answers:    You hold to tell your parents. It could be something serious. Tell your parents and maybe they will progress and get you some Pepto Bismol..
Drinking a lot of fluids may in fact make you feel sicker (bloated). Try drinking crackers, they absorb the acid surrounded by your stomach that is making you feel sick. Pepto other works for me too, and Id also recommend getting some sleep asap to strengthen your immune system and so you dont feel horrible anymore.

Not sure why your not throwing up. Usually your mouth waters before you throw up...?.
you unquestionably are asking in regards to pregnancy quality and yes that may sound like those gentle of symptoms but the best way for you to get abet is to first tell your parents you dont feel capably and u think u need to see your doctor and next tell your doctor anything and everything that u think u should b/c by decree they cant tell your parents (enless the content your telling them involves hurting yourself or others) and after even specify that u want this kept confidential and then for sure u will get the abet u need whether its serious or not so serious and w/ no worries. good luck First of adjectives your lying.im not sure why. You have asked the same cross-question 6 times over the last month. Except when you asked it 51 minutes ago you said you were 13. I am legitimately sick looking for answers and i find you asking impossible to tell apart dumb question over and over. If youre really 14 (13?) you are obviously too undeveloped to be using the computer..
why cant you tell your parents you are sick? there is zilch ashamed of being sick! It to me sounds like you own a nasty bug, but if it continues for more than a couple days, I would go see your doctor. hope u grain better :] Go to the drug store and get a bottle of Pepto-Bismol.
Read the directions and take as needed.
This stuff is wonderful for an upset stomach..
Sounds resembling migraine or intestinal bug. A very serious disease called meningitis also have nausea and headache -- do you also have fever?

Why can't you let somebody know your parents? Are you hungover?.
You can take some home base medication... But I highly recommend you talking to your parents. Please,... you obligation help. Mother knows the best for you! it a stomach virsus ,,, why cant you convey your parents, take heaps of fuilds to settle you tummy down .
idk much but u might be preg.! not sayin u r but tell ur mom and achieve it checked! BIG TIME!

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