Abdominal cramping...I don`t know pregnant?

i have this abdominal cramping that feel like menstrual cramps.it started previously my last extent (april 5) and is still going on (the period on april 5 be a little different than majority.it was regular for a couple days later really light for the subsequent 4 days (i'm cursed with a six afternoon menstruation and a 25 day cycle))..the skin on my lower tummy is really sensitive to touch...is it possible that the cramping and skin sensitivities are pregnancy symptoms...or is it more feasible something else?

How do you know how long your PERIOD WILL LAST? help me!?

The symptoms you are describing would not be presenting this impulsive in a conventional pregnancy. They could be caused from a few things:

1} A small ovarian cyst. These are no big do business and usually go away on their own after a while.

2} Fibroid cysts. These are for a while more involved and usually require treatment if they reach the discomfort stage.

3} Ectopic pregnancy. This can be a truly serious condition chief to reduced fertility or even death but for treated.

Please see your doctor as soon as possible. Its always better to be locked than sorry.

Breast Reductionscared as all getout!! Help? Share? Please?

it's moderately possible but you should do home pregnancy test and shift see a doctor.

Birth Control?

could be or a small cyst

Swollen tum,fluid retention?

This is NOT normal pregnancy sign, and doesn't nouns like it is member of your normal cycle. Your body is giving you stipulation signs that something is not right. Symptoms involving internal reproductive organs must ALWAYS be addressed as they can indicate some pretty serious conditions. It sounds serious, especially because it have been going on for so long.
Get yourself to a doctor ASAP and dont mess around...it could be something serious and delay treatment could worsen it.
So go see a doctor NOW!!

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