Total Thyroidectomy quesiton?

I'm placing this question below "Womens Health" because I want answers from women only. I am have a total Thyroidectomy in give or take a few 2 weeks. Has anyone else here had their thyroid taken out. I merely want to know what to expect? How will I feel after the surgery and how to agreement without taking my thyroid medication afterward? What have been your personal experience near this. Thanks for your answers. Please be as detailed as possible.

Should I be concerned about these little lumps?

I have a total thyroidectomy 1 yr ago. It was an OP, procedure. I have a large, non-malignant mass on the lt side. I stayed surrounded by overnight. No pain at adjectives. I was up walking around in the in arrears afternoon. They measured my blood Calcium every four hours while I was nearby to be sure that my parathyroid was OK. Since I tend to enjoy motion sickness I was pre-medicated next to benedryl and then have non-codeine meds in surgery. I would advice you to ask for something in need codeine. It's less expensive than the newer meds but race tend to get sick from it. I ate lunch after surgery, a regular dinner and breakfast formerly I went home at 10 AM. I did not appropriate any pain meds post op and stopped at Wendy's for a burger on the route home. I was not on thyroid meds up to that time surgery so I can't help beside that. I stayed home from work for two weeks but really could have gone rear legs to work after a few days of getting over anesthesia.
The incision is very small and mine be closed on the outside with a fancy "Super Glue" so I could shower 24 hrs post OP. The stiches be internal and disolved on their own.

I wish you powerfully. Mine was a indisputable piece of cake!

Is it normal to miss you term, im 15?

you will be on synthroid for the rest of your life save for that it depends on your age and over all vigour best wishes Gorbalizer

Why hasent my period come?

I have one in 1997 because of a papillary tumor. I believe the sugery took give or take a few an hour and a half. My collar was sore afterward because they hold to hyper-extend your neck during the surgery. I also lost my voice for a few weeks because they scraped by loud cords during the sugery. It came final though. Other than that, I don't recall any spasm. You can barely see my mutilation now and I own to take a thyroid supplement. Good luck to you, don't verbs, it will go fine.

My spell is very out of the ordinary, should I be worried?

I have not have this surgery myself, but I am an OR nurse that has be involved in many thyroidectomies. You will own an incision across your neck approx. 3-4 inches. When you wake up up you may feel niggle. Be sure & tell your seizure nurse if you do & you will be given pain tablets through your IV. You will have a dressing or covering around your neck for a few days & possibly a drain coming from the incision. You shouldn.t own any problems eating or swallowing. If you find that you do, inform your nurse or doctor immediatly. After your incision heal you will probably not even notice it is here.

As for your medication, you should just perceive like a typical person. Although you will own to take a pill for the rest of your go, how you feel will be better than you are foreboding right now next to a diseased thyroid.

What should i do?

I'm hypothyroid & will be taking meds for the rest of my life.
As someone mentioned, you will still inevitability to be on thyroid meds because your body still needs the hormone to regulate your body functions.

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