Trouble falling asleep, any suggestion's?

I have be having trouble going to sleep for yesteryear 2 yrs. When I finally do fall asleep I stay asleep, it's lately getting to that point. I don't want to take pill's grounds I don't want to possibly become dependent on them. So if anyone has some suggestion's please consent to me know. I have 2 kid's that are unsettled to school alot because of this. I don't want them missing out their instruction cause mom can't sleep. I'm also tired adjectives the time and have positively no energy.

I tried using a tampon a few months ago but it wudnt go in and i feel dizzy afterwards but i rlly need to?

quit drinking caffeine,alcohol,and smoking if you are.take plenty of exercise,do not eat at smallest 3 hours before going to bed.and drink mostly marine.

Will the doctor tell my mom?

ouch yeah i enjoy that problem as you hold alot on your mind? or stressed out maybe?... zilch seems to work for me but resembling always its easier to recommend a solution fairly than make it work next to myself so here i go:)...all right since you dont wanna take pills im sure near are some teas that will get the commission done or you can try a mini exercise before bed to tire you out, or I don`t know some warm cocoa/milk to thaw out your body up? i find it easier to fall asleep when im heat up, and the last piece i can think of you can try if you even drink at adjectives... maybe some wine or some other %drink of your choice to mellow you out..hmm i dunno what else incentive like i said nothin really works for me even if im physically pushing my body to its margins throughout the day i still seem to be to have the ability of not feeling close to sleeping..and thats too bad around your kids :( well atleast theyre not similar to us with the sleeping problem result in i sure have missed out on plenty of coaching from it well anyways thats ample about me so goodluck good darkness n sleep tight:)...o i guess 1 more thing...if adjectives else fails and your sleeping trouble freshly gets worse you might as ably resort to pills ..i regret i didnt..its a better solution than staying up everynight trying to fall asleep:)

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Some suggestions: Keep your bedroom free of noise and electrical items - TV, digital clock, cell phone, etc. The electromagnetic enclosed space from these can keep you awake or trouble your sleep. Try a homeopathic remedy call Quietude, not habit forming - not dangerous for children too. Take a dose of Calcium/Magnesium around dinner time, it will settle your nerves and ease tautness from the day

Sleep Well :) and Sweet Dreams!

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