Should I be worried? (also posted in pregnancy general)?

I enjoy asked this question in the past but I need more answers....I have a C-section almost 8 weeks ago and still havent gotten my period. I bottlefeed and we are currently using condoms as birth control zilch else is going on with my body any. When should it return or is there something wrong since it hasnt returned all the same? I have a belated 6 week appt coming up but I considered necessary to know if anyone out there immediately could give me some answers. Thanks.

Needing facilitate?

You won't have a interval until your hormones get posterior to normal and that isn't something on an exact time table, every individual is different and every pregnancy is different. Be long-suffering, it's only be 8 weeks.

Period Question?

Even when you're not breastfeeding, it takes a while for your hormones to readjust to a non-pregnant state. It's honest you're using condoms since you have no model when you'll be ovulating again. I'm glad that you're having your post-partum stop by soon. They'll confirm that you're not pregnant again and then predictable offer you oral contraceptives to give a hand regulate your hormones and also to prevent another pregnancy at this time. Take good thoroughness.

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