Is my discharge ordinary?

im really confused. my discharge is very white. i thought i have thrush so i got it treated but my discharge is still completly white. is it commonplace for it to be this white. im not itchy, ive had a yeast infection in the past so i know the symptoms. but i though discharge was expected to be clear. i get a moment or two bit everyday in my knickas, & i touch like its too much. sometimes i grain it coming out. bin tested for stds, so know i aint got 1. sorry to keep hold of going on, am just a bit worried because they articulate it should be clear or milky white! i am 17 & when i was read aloud 14-16 i didnt even get any. whats going on?

How to preserve it clean down at hand?

Hi i'm a Gynae, womens health nurse specialist.
I wouldnt be concerned by your discharge, due to your age its not extraordinary to get this, infact like mad of people your age will own this,sometimes its due to the mid cycle of your periods.
its what happen when your ovulating, or sometimes its just your mucus from the top of your cervix, not everybodys discharge is like colour or consistency.
you said you were tested for std's and they be negative, so you can rule them out, and the solitary other thing could be thrush, but you already know the symptoms.
hold on to an eye on it, if it starts to irritate you or becomes smelly, speak to the nurse at your docs surgery, or follow the medication used for thrush. dont panic though

I am 14 years prehistoric turning 15 in november. I have not started my term yet. When will i start?

go and see your gp...

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you need to see an ob-gyn asap as you wouldn't want something as this to turn into cancer as it COULD. run, don't tramp, to your ob-gyn.

Mom of B & D

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It could be a yeast infection - I was only just diagnosed with one and my single symptom was somewhat more discharge than normal. It could also be a bacterial infection,which are pretty adjectives, but those are normally accompany by a noticeable odor. A lot of woman own a heavier discharge that changes color/texture right beforehand menstruation. Hope this helps!

Advise Please?

personally i wouldn't verbs about it. you are solitary 17 so your body will be still going through loads of changes, adjectives of us women out there no we adjectives have different sorts of different discharge not a soul is the same.
however if you are that worried step and see your GP

Pls help.. impart me tips//?

go 2 ur gp and tell them freshly wot u told mite b a hormonal thing

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I think you're fine, it may only just mean that you're comming close to your time of year, the discharge before your term can be either clear or white, I've gotten both in the past. Changes are in the teen years it's a moment ago a hormonal thing so I wouldn't verbs too much about it.

Saying its cancer is a pretty big stretch. Don't stress yourself out. If theres no itching don't verbs. If its really bothering you though then see a gyno for another view.

Attn MD, GYN, Med Students: Heavy Periods w Huge Clotting?

this sounds quite majority. Not all discharge is clear and as long as you own been tested and the test have come rear negative consequently i would presume that you have zilch to worry nearly.
Everyone produces different amounts and factors such as hormones and contraceptives can alter the consistency of your discharge.

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