Please help beside a sex problem?

im a 21 year old feminine with an embarrasing problem i be raped a few years ago and now every time i try to enjoy sex i cant seem to consent to the penis inside i dont know if its a pyscological thing or a robustness problem i dont feel approaching im tensing or anything but do you think i could be doing it in need knowing i really need facilitate i just want a middle-of-the-road sex life ive lost partner because of this i know now that they was shallow but i a short time ago want a normal relationship PLEASE HELP!!!

About my time of year. girls answer only please?

You involve to go to a doctor or analyst. It sounds like you enjoy vagismus, an involuntary contraction of the muscles surrounding the vagina. It isn't all that exceptional. A doctor or therapist will be capable of get you serve, and improve your time.

Good luck!

Why always me!?

Try to save an open mind and relax. You might not even realize you are tensing up when you really are. I'm 22 and my wife have an incident a long time ago and I helped her through it. Just consentrate on the personage you are with and freshly let yourself move about. It will probably take awhile because your body remembers what happen, as far as the shallow partner's, they only own one thing on thier mind, getting it in in attendance and doing it and then letting you promise with it by yourself. They stipulation to be patient near you and help you through it as I have to help my wife. She be worried about it and that I wouldn't want to be next to her because it hurt and cause of size. I told her that I would help her through it. I hope this have helped you hun,

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Oh dear. I'm so sorry to hear roughly what happened to you. It is certainly possible that mental trauma manifest themselves as physical responses. I don't quite know what you mingy "can't seem to permit the penis inside." Is it that he cannot penetrate and push into you when you are start to him? Or do you mean that you can't consent to yourself to be penetrated even though you think that want him to? If you haven't done so already, tell to psychologists or counselors to help you through the trauma and receive some closure so you can move on. Also speak to your ob/gyn to procure check out if there are in reality any physical abnormalities that might be obstruct a penis from entry.

Sorry I don't have any better warning. I hope you get your vivacity back soon. Hang contained by there.

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sory to hear about your rape and the best process is go want counseling at your nearest rape crisis center and they will help you through it and some time to make well will work and don't rush into thing.if you find a guy that you might want to hold a sexual relationship with update him what you're going through a good portion of the time they will know.

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This is purely psychological..Unconsciously you dont want the penis to stir inside you because of your traumatic experience.It's too much anxiety that it's expressed with that faultless way..You should see a psychologist.I cogitate that it wont take too much time since you get over this problem..The psychiatric therapist will certainly support you..I assure you!

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Try to keep an unfurl mind and relax. You might not even realize you are tensing up when you really are. It will probably take awhile because your body remembers what happen, as far as the shallow partner's, they only hold one thing on thier mind, getting it in in that and doing it and then letting you agreement with it by yourself. you could perchance try telling your partner what is wrong some people may go away but if you keep trying u will find a personality who understands and they will support you through your troubles remember there is someone out near for everyone. no matter what have happened befor within your life. hope u find that party thanks for reading

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