Women's assist?

Hi everyone.. For the past two days I've be experiencing pain, swelling and itching in my vaginal nouns.. From the research that I've been doing I've almost come to the conclusion that I may enjoy a yeast infection. My only problem is that I'm a 17 year dated girl living with three otehr men contained by the house..I was wondering if in attendance are any home remedies i can try to prevent myself from going to the gyno.. Also, if i do decide to be in motion to the gynocologist would they let me set up an appointment and step by myself even if i'm under 18?

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Yes, there are some home remedies, but none can give somebody a lift the place of a regular check up at a gyno. At planned parent hood, they will see you no questions asked next to no parent and often times no appointment. Its so key that you take your vaginal strength seriously. This could be something simple, as simple as a commen yeast infection. Or it could be the symtoms of a more devostating affliction. Either way, a gyno will smoothly be able to check on this concern and other matters that require routine inspection, (ie the hpv virus which cause cancer in women but is glibly cureable if cought early) Please put your embarassment aside and go to a gyno alone or near a trusted friend, preferably one who has be to one before. But even alone, it's your best leeway.

Your going to probably hear about some home remedies, but I hope you will concider the bigger picture until that time you act.

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There are over the counter meds for a yeast infection that you could get but if they don't work walk to the doctor. You can go to a internal tablets doctor instead of a gynocologist and they could help you. A yeast infection is massively common and is nought to be embarresed about.

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I would only just try the over the counter kits first. They own them at your local grocery store. I like the ones beside just one insert and emolument that you can put on the outside to help beside the itching. If that doesn't help in 2-3 days, then budge get checked by a doctor.
You will probably hold to get parental blessing on some paperwork, but they wouldn't have to be within the room with you while you take examined.
Good luck!

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