Yeast Infection?

A week ago I went to see my doctor because I thought I have a UTI and he told me that he didn't see anything and prescribed Septra DS 800-160 Tab but in generic form SMZ/TMP DS for me to take twice a afternoon for 7 days. I'm almost done with the medication and ending night feel itching and burning and wanted to know if this be part of the prescription or if it could be another sympton. I started taking AZO Yeast Medicine that relieves symptoms of Vaginal Yeast Infections. I don't have any discharge. Has anyone have this problem before beside Septra DS meds? Thanks!

Is it normal to be sweating ALOT during your spell?

Its not just beside that medicine. A lot of women experience yeast infections beside antibiotics. I always acquire ones after I have finished the medication or half track through it it will start itching and so forth. What I have started doing is taking non-scented garlic pills that you can go and get at any drug store/walmart and i take one a time and i havent experience any infections in more than 8 months.
Good Luck

Just give me some tips..?

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