Can tampons soak up everything?

if you are wearing a tampon, does is take in adjectives the crap that tries to get into the vagina. example, can it stop sperm from traveling? will it absorb? exceedingly odd question. only wondering. no reason really.

Answers:    It will absorb some semen but some could still win you pregnant..
You can't use a tampon as contraception. If you have sex a tampon won't stop the possibility of getting pregnant. A condom and pills are better for the job.
By the route, you should always use the lowest possible absorbency for your flow, as this decreases the probability of TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome) So for instance if your period is light/medium flow, you shouldn't use a super tampon - use a light/medium one. Tampons are not a contraceptive.
Sperm are the size of a pin tip (the part that pricks you if you stab yourself) so in that is no way that any tampon could stop it.
It is not intended to stop things getting into a vagina, its intended to stop things getting out.

And tampons can leak, fundamentally easily.

Use a condom or a diaphragm..
They aren't concrete barriers but they stop a typical flow and if you need greater protection, use Super Size plus a maxi pad. NO

Tampons can merely soak up blood and blue coloured liquid.

For everything else try using a vacuum..
uh are you like 5.
tampons budge in the same hole as the penis
so you cant hold sex if you have a tampon in.
what do you scrounging by sperm!! don't you know that you're not supposed to wear a tampon when you're having sex? You cannot use tampons as birth control. If you do, you will get pregnant..
they don't stop sperm fully, some would gain through because they arn't designed to stop it most probably.
I'm pretty sure they don't work as a contraceptive!

Please don't try it!

Apart from that i'm afraid I can't answer.
Like STDs? X__X wouldnt know...

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