I own this theory. Doctors vote that losing weight during pregnancy isn't correct for the health of the babe.

but what if you are obesed by about 70 pounds. I'm 5'3-5'4 220 pounds. i infer average recommend weight is 130-140lbs. So would it still be fruitless to lose weight. Or don't gain any extra cargo. I have satisfactory of me to sustain a pregnancy. I really don't want to gain more weight.

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I am siginificantly overweight, and during the first half of my pregnancy gain within the recommended amount. However during the second partially of the pregnancy, I lost approx. 8 kilograms as I had to work frozen with gestational diabetes. Baby be perfect.
The prime thing is to get through enough to sustain both yourself and the babe. It is NOT the time to diet, but if by eating a impartial controlled diet with little added sugar and in proportion nutrients, you should be alright, and some weight loss could take place.

My obstetrician didn't worry roughly speaking my weight loss, but we have a few extra ultrasounds to make sure kid was developing and growing on calendar, just to gross sure.

Lately, being yesteryear year, my sex drive has plummeted (sp?) and I am singular 25?

When i got pregenant near my son i weighed 140. After he be born i was up to 220. I am also 5'4 When I turn pregenant with my daughter, I weigh 200. When i had her, I weigh 203. It will not hurt the baby if you do not gain mass, just as long as it is because you are ingestion healthier, and not consumption less. My daughter is proof of that. She come out weighing 6lbs15oz and I be down to 180 after all the fluid be gone. I didn't even try. I was a moment ago eating better, and moving more bring of my job. I didn't realize i be pregenant until I was 51/2 months produce I had lost so much weightiness in the dawn. I gained it stern at the end though.

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you can lose weight and it can be okay the toddler will feed stale ur stored fat its true i lost 30 pounds pregnant i have hyperemesis gravidarium so that means i threw up for 9 months and i hold crohns disease so had diarrhea adjectives the damn time too its was definite pain surrounded by the azz

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you are supposed to gain 3lb a week whilst pregnant. This is why you should loose the immensity you need to and own a healthy body counterbalance before you bring back pregnant.

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