I passed a giant clot, any planning on what's going on?

brief history: feb-pap, mar- mirena IUD put in, apr- results come back out of the ordinary. monday i had 4-5 cervical biopsies taken, and i've have the coffee ground discharge the doctor warned me give or take a few for about a week very soon, which i was told would merely be 2-3 days. today, i went to the bathroom, feel the urge to push and a giant clot, at least 5 times the size of a quarter, come out. TMI- it's all roofed in what looks similar to a scaley sac which is outlined with clotty tissue, and inside in that are three parts which are all reallly obscurity, then near was several smaller depressing tissue looking clots with it. I did call upon the on call doctor who said it be probably just the stuff they used to stop the bleeding, but noone in my own flesh and blood who's been through the biopsies have ever had that take place. I'm going to call to fashion an appointment to get within sooner, but I have the inevitability to ease my mind and find out what this is. Anyone hold any ideas?

I own a 2 year old child, born by c-sec, if that make any impact.

How much do I have to weigh to carry my period?

It sounds similar to you may have have a miscarriage. It is possible to get pregnant beside the IUD.

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Good luck in your doc's appointment I hope everything go well

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