What would cause blinding discomfort during sex?

i can only tolerate one position for intercourse, otherwise the misery is unbearable. it seem the farther in he go the more pain results. what could this be?

I seem to be to have some possibly internal issues? Vaginal?

He's probably thrusting to philosophical and so hard that he's bumping your cervix near every thrust. Remind him that that's like anyone kicked in the groin,

There are hundreds of positions, so you may capably have not found the one that work for the two of you.

I'm tally some links to help. But if you verbs to feel cramp in other positions as all right, see your doctor.

If i started my period today and started taking my modern birth control pills today will it stop my mens. cycle?

I have have this same problem before and it turned out I have an ovarian cyst. Perhaps you should see your doctor about the problem to rule out other medical issues.

Effects of marijuana and yasmin birth control?

you could enjoy a uti call your doc and take some antibiotic

Do guys?

ask your doctor about endometriosis. I suffered from this for a decade (without a diagnosis). You can't be embarassed to yak to your doctor...if you are-find a new doc!!

My pee?

could be a cyst. i have one that ruptured during sex (according to my doc). it was outrageous. it still hurt for like a month after that but presently i dont feel it anymore. the doc will hold to check it out with a pelvic axam and will consequently need to do an ultrasound. minus an ultrasound they will not be able to really see whats going on in nearby.

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