Please serve me!

Ok, well lets newly start off with me motto I am not a regular marijuana smoker, just a social smoker... which is just a stupid, I know, but that's not the point.

I probably smoke once every two weeks to once a week. It vary from week to week, and the last time I did was August 1st.

My examine is how long would it take for my urine to be free of THC?

I have hear that weight is a factor in the time it take, so I am about 5'4 and I weigh about 112-115 lbs.

Answers:    it vary how much you smoke an you body metabolism but if you drink plenty of water before the drug trial you could pass it or you can buy things to clean your system out an of late to be sure that you are clean you can buy a drug test at your local cvs/ wall-greens/ wall-mart
an interview your self.
Marijuana stays in your system a long time. More than most drugs. If August 1st is the last time you used it it will show up contained by a drug test.

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