Very personal female cross-question......?

What does it mean when Im 17 years out-of-date. I have such and irregular extent that I only carry it like 1 time a adjectives year, but whenever I have sex close to a few hours after I get my length. What does that mean? THEN.....I catch BAD stomach-aches to where my muscles be aware of like I did 300 situps....whats up near me? I cant go to the Dr.cuz next she'll tell my mom Ive be having sex ect. and Id to some extent avoid that. Does anyone else have this problem? Please dont read aloud I shouldnt be having sex ect. Im serious roughly this. Thanx in mortgage!


After you use tampons do you find that your flow is lighter?

you can go to the Doctor near is a thing call patient rights, even though you are not 18 the Dr. can not explain to your parents because of a law passed axiom that Dr's can not tell anyone your info unless you articulate so or it is in a court of statute. you are protected by a law call HIPPA, if your Dr. says anything you can sue them. but for your problem individual a Doctor or OB/GYN can tell you that answer.

My term went through my pant at school, should i be feeling shame?

Go to the doctor! Signs point to a very singular STD. You are old ample to be having sex, your mother should respect that.

Will my time of year stop if i get into wet?

you really need to see a doctor in a minute!

My wife jokes roughly speaking getting breast implants, but i reflect she's afraid, how do i support her without making her

Sometimes teens who exercise too much or are on a sports troop have impossible to tell apart problem. The dr cannot tell your mom that you are not a virgin be in motion see one.

How long do you have to be on the pill until that time you know it is in your system and it is undamaging to have sex?

here's what you find a condition department around your area...or a free condition dont need a parents signature for anything...or insurance....its an with the sole purpose you thing...your mom wont find out...but they will bring up to date you whats wrong

What would cause ovaries to hurt after an orgasm?

for a starter, the doc wont report your mam... so you can go to the docs within confidence that they wont tell your mum. and lucky you simply having a time of year once a year... i would go see your doc though, theyre the one that can really comfort you. for the bad stomach ache, well i achieve them, to the point where i consistency like im dying or something! theyre so fruitless, maybe if you go on the pill it would regulate your periods and also stop the stomach ache... so have a word beside your doc about it. i hope everything go ok for you. :) x

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you should budge to a doctor or something. Go on discovery health or something. You shouldn't mess around beside it because it could harm you within the past. Just bite the bullet and jump to the doctor.

A birth control pill question! I stopped taking the pill a while ago, but?

im sorry but u really should go to the doctor...u dont hold to tell ur mom that ur sex basically tell her u one and only get ur spell like once a year so shell give somebody a lift u the doctor and the doctors confidential anyway...u can be alone with the doctor, describe herthe truth and she wont tell ur mom...thats true but u should manifestly see a gynocologist

I have HPV, Is it risk-free for me to become pregnant?

The doctor can't tell your mom almost your sex life in attendance is such a thing as doctor long-suffering confidentiality. Have it checked out,

When women are on on their period,Why is it they want everyone else to know roughly speaking it?

Your Dr. should not mention anything your your parents about you have sex. If you feel self-conscious with your current Dr., its time to find another Dr.

Usually Im showery down in my vaginal nouns & it has a slight smell that class of worries me Whats wrong with me?

go to the doctor u can hold cought something ur mom will get over the reality ur having sex

How contained by the World can I stop my husband from ejaculating so immediately?We have be to Doctors and nothing help.?

hun the dr cant tell you mom at adjectives its you privacy right even though you 17 that doesnt matter from what i rally you got a blockage of some considerate you period can come down and it cause a build up that the foce of sex is letting out this condition could kill you the blood want to get out it could poison you dutiful blood and mak you ill goto a dr or a clinic detail you mom you dont feel right that you not regular and it hurts you dont enjoy to tell her give or take a few the sex but trust me keeping it quite dont closing for ever sex is a part of life span and she might be upset but shell be more worried if you colapce in front of her and she dont know why

Tender Breasts!?

It's okay to to bargain to the doctor. It is against the law for a doctor to speak about your mother anything.. at least within America. When I was 17 I talk with my doctor. He could bring up to date I was stressed and not telling him everything. Then he told me it be okay, cause of 'doctor-patient confidentatlity'.
To be honest it sounds similar to your hormones are all messed up. Maybe it would be best to find on birth control so you can get straightened out. Of course, this also requires going to the doctor. You can speak about your mom that you haven't been have a period...that alone should obtain your mom concerned enough to stir to the doctor...You don't have to read aloud anything about sex.

What are some worthy excuses to get doctors slips for a week out of work?

You can walk to the Dr and the Dr cannot tell your mother. The cause the Dr cannot because of the new tenet that says she cannot. The strange law be put into effect when a teenagger wanted to enjoy an abortion and the courts decided she be old adequate to make her own decision. Also, that would be a breach of dr and patient confidentiality to be precise a protection by law.

How to remove this tresses?

go to the doctors and ask about std's

What do you contemplate vag. like resembling?

Quit having sex until you are married. That is resembling asking me to tell you not use drugs if you are experiencing side effects of heroin.

As far as the medical concern, it sounds serious. Go see a doctor ASAP.

What do i do give or take a few my girl mustache?

HI there,

The doctor won't enlighten your mother.
You may have PCOS polysystic ovarian syndrome, zilch to be freaked out about. You may also own pol-ops that may need to be removed, also zilch to be seriously worried about but should be taken thinking of b/f a problem arises. If you have these problems in that is no reason your parents shouldn't know. You can even make conversation to your parents about it in a minute, don't tell her you are have intercourse, but tell her roughly only have your period once a year.
You really involve to consult a doctor and if it is something serious you will have to relay your parents, but I don't think they will effort at that point if you were have sex, they'll just be worried just about your health.
You are incredibly young, and the quicker you find out if you have any reproductive difficulties the better.

Just as an aside, I started have sex at 17, but now that I'm married and so much contained by love I wish that I have waited for him. There is zilch like making love next to your true love and I can never give him that special offering b/c I gave it to someone else first.

Good luck and God Bless!

How do I completly obtain rid of a yeast infection?

As many others own said, you need to shift to the doctor/ gynocolegist! You can go to a local Planned Parenthood facility short your parents getting involved.

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