Child molestation in the past...conviction presently! can u help?

Jane Doe be molested by her father through out her teenage years until she moved out after h.s to college. She never reported him nor did her mom. Jane is in a minute an adult, four years go pass after the scene and will close to to report what happened to her afterwards, right now. That's her instrument of closure, but she think it might be too slowly. Is there anyway Jane can bring sprite to this? the way, since Jane never told ne1 her father have molested 3 other girls and was never reported by child nor parent out of ignorance or dread.

Help Jane bring justice for not individual herself but for the other victims as well who would not do she step about this one it was years ago?

A chocolate desert - i have need of some help? is it SAfe?>? try this website and i pray and hope that the freaking pervert go to jail for go! Well those are just my thoughts intuitively!

Please help me!?

there's no factor of time on a crime of that nature stir to the police or a lawyer

I dont know why im so sleepy.. i bring back 11 hours at night and i rouse up still tired and all light of day im tired?

start with discussion to a counsellor , then the police

Could a girl attain sick every month before her time has started?

As I remember in that are some jurisdictions that own time limitations on this type of crime...5 yrs in some...much longer surrounded by need to check out your state decree.

She should immediately consult an attorney to pursue her option. And yes, he should be brought to justice minus a doubt


I'm glad she decided to do something going on for this "better late -then never" Contact a advocate & find out your Rights and he can also tell you contained by which manner she should fiddle with this......... Good Luck!

Period help! [women one and only please]?

Though it is never too late to bring equality to a sick perverted pedophile, Jane should still report to the authorities. Many cases such as hers are reported later within life because of that initial suspicion of the consequences threatened by the pedophile. But filing a report can and does comfort with stopping them from taking plus of other children.

It would help Ms. Doe if she can present the other witnesses along near her. Otherwise, it may be a case of he said she said and no proof to accept. Regardless, tell her to report him anyway.

I'm a worrierplease answer?

Jane could shift to a councelor and tell him or her or I don`t know she can confront the other girls if she know who they are and see if threy want to go forth to the police.

Lybrel or not Lybrel?

Jane should definatly walk to the police. It might be too late to bring him to court, but even to basically give the police a head up to prevent something from happening to anyone else.
I am likely to bet that Jane feels rather responsible for him molesting three other girls... but she shouldnt. She should also try to talk to a councelor more or less it.
I hope that everything turns out alright.

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