What exactly do they do when they "strip your membranes?"?

Yeh.. what do they do and is it painful?

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Stripping your membranes is what they do prior to breaking your hose down bag, contained by hopes that it will bring on labor. (If your question is not contained by regards to mortal pregnant, then I enjoy no idea!) This separates the waterbag from the cervix within hopes that the bag will break on its own, but the procedure may break it as okay. Breaking the water pouch will bring on more intense and regular contractions so that labor progresses faster. Good luck!

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Stripping the membranes is where a form care provider will separate your pod of water from the cervix, it is not intended to break your river, however, it may. It may also cause infection, and may be bumpy for some.

It is supposed to stimulate production of prostiglandins in the cervix and bring on contractions. Labor will usually start soon after, like inwardly 2 days.

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